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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Be Sure To Get Out And Vote Today

For anyone that wants to see their ballot and information on the candidate before they vote, they can use the below link. You just enter in your zip code and street name and it will give you the information. Please note that there is an arrow to the right of the name of office they are running for that you must click on to go to the next selection of people and the office they are running for.



  1. Joe, I noticed on the Democratic ballot there is a Betty Weller running for a delegate spot for the Democratic Mational Convention. Isn't this the Betty Weller in the news story last week about the teachers union trying to block Trumps rally in Berlin last week? If so, don't you think it is inappropriate that the President of the state teachers union run for such a spot? I know they are dumb enough to support democrats and Hillary, but there are a lot of republican teachers too. Seems one sided when she is supposed to represent ALL teachers not just Dems. What do you think?

  2. Like Hillary says, vote early, and vote often.


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