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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Accident On The Bypass (Car vs Street Sweeper)

Just after midnight, Salisbury Fire Department's Station 2 and 16 were alerted for a motor vehicle accident with rescue, car vs. street sweeper, on the Rt 13 bypass. Upon arrival crews found one person trapped in the car with the passenger walking around the scene. Crews were able to remove the trapped driver after approximately 15 minutes. Both driver and passenger were transported to PRMC for further evaluation. The driver of the street sweeper was not injured.


  1. WTH is a street sweeper doing on the BYPASS at MIDNIGHT????????

  2. 5:29
    Probably going from shopping center to shopping center or business to business. I doubt they were actually cleaning the bypass.

  3. 6:30, first of all, a bypass BYPASSES shopping centers and businesses, hence the name.

    And a street sweeper can't travel fast enough to get out of its own way, so it doesn't belong on a bypass highway.

    If you ever find yourself in a street sweeper at midnight in the acceleration ramp entering a major highway, please pull over, get out, and stand in the middle of the fast lane for an hour.

    Thank you.

  4. Dis Sweeper have lights on? I would think the driver would have seen sweeper and been able to avoid. Hope driver is OK.

  5. 7:42 The stupid is deep with you.

  6. Wow you guys. Are you serious? Look at the car. This driver was doing A LOT more than 65, wouldn't be surprised if alcohol/drugs were a factor either. I'll wait to see if that information comes out..

  7. no , 7:42 is right. there are way too many "vehicles" that aren't capable of meeting speed limits but are on the roadway with vehicles that can. lose/lose situation

  8. A street sweeper can go fast enough to do speed limit. Yeesh


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