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Sunday, April 17, 2016

A Viewer Writes...

Hey Joe, I just saw Jim Ireton outside the Verizon building on Mount Hermon waving signs with the union workers... It's pretty sad he has to piggyback off a union protest to get press!!!


  1. Commie supporting commie ideals. Look big corp cant compete in the US labor market anymore. Too pricy due too UNIONS!! Want more American jobs. Dump UNIONS. Libtards are so stupid. oh by the way Bernie supports the strike go figure... That tells you whose Arse Ireton has his head up

    1. Funny how people complain that there's so few good jobs, then bash those who still have them, when they are just fighting to keep them.

  2. That's my favorite picture of Ireton. Glad he's not disgracing the Republicans. Wait. We have are OWN Jimmy, ironically her name is Julie. My bad.

  3. of course ireton is for strikes. When have you ever known this idiot to create a job in his life. He's too busy firing and getting sued for firing.

  4. Shouldn't that boy be teaching or writing lesson plans for tomorrow?

  5. Verizon must employ a lot of young college boys for Jimmy to be drawn to march the picket line.

  6. I thought that the old traditional wired phone business was the only part of Verizon that was unionized (not the Wireless part). The wired phone business is dying I don't know the union status of their fiber optic FIOS business.

    The former mayor should treat himself to a Princess Anne visit. As you head south towards Rt 13 from UMES, there's a big sign that reads "VOTE DEMOCRAT". No name, no reason, just those 2 words.

    1. There are a few Verizon Wireless locations that are unionized, not around here though. The FIOS work is done by union workers.

  7. Yes. I hear he already has a Salisbury University groupie who he is taking along to "help" on the campaign. Never ends with this clown!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. As if he could have any influence on this union's bargaining outcome. Not!

  10. 445 Shame on anyone who doesn't know how to spell ROOSTER on the Eastern Shore. My God what has the Shore come to...

  11. Those who fail to learn from the past... the unions really did a lot of good here for Dresser Wayne and Crown Cork and seal! Their last union strike and vote got them what they asked for except the promise of a job the day after! How's that union working for the former employees now?

    1. Either you accept whatever crumbs the company you work for throws you, or you band together to negotiate for better. We choose to bargain for the best possible working conditions. The exact same thing most people do when they are interviewed and hired for any job.

      You negotiate the terms of employment. Wages, benefits. Working conditions. Or do you just say "ok I will take the job" without a discussion about how much you'll be paid? Of course not!

      With a big company, collective bargaining can be a win-win, as opposed to everyone trying to individually bargain for their own wages and benefits.

  12. Did he get paid to speak to them like HRC did? She is supporting the strikers in NY yet was paid $225k to speak at a verizon function. What a fake she is! She loves the almighty dollar. Didn't care enough about the workers to refuse the $$$$

  13. ...only a union rep will tell you a 6.5% pay increase is "actually a pay decrease". Union math!

    1. Ohfergodsakes.

      A 6.5% pay increase coupled with a 15% increase in our share of healthcare premiums, is not a pay increase. Got it?

    2. Wahhhhhh you got ..6.5 keep voting democrat fool. You can thank them for that a 16% on medical. Join the club but thats on obama. Hear that sucking sound south? east? anywhere but USA. Down with unions and demoturds

    3. Look, mong, the unions may be all up the democrats asses, but let me assure you, the majority of phone company employees are conservative or libertarian. We HATE the pandering to democrats by our union. We hate it.

      Almost all of us are hardcore Republican, with the exception of the blacks, especially in the call centers.

  14. Jim is looking for some young men beyond the Herizon,I mean verizon.

  15. 4:50, may a key on your key board not stick. map

  16. 654, unless your healthcare premium is NOT based on your total income, only the deduction share you pay for it.

    We're NOT that stupid, and if you have a problem with that "increase" STOP voting DEMOCRAT!!!!!!!!!!!

    But you ignoramuses won't...

  17. 652 How about being happy you have a JOB instead of bitching about your take. How DARE Verizon have the nerve to put a roof over your head, food in your belly and continue your job instead of shipping to a union free area. They are really asses.

  18. The land lines are going away , but its the old Verizon that places, maintains and keeps the fiber plant going for the wireless business. Without this group the Verizon Wireless group would be out of business. Verizon Core are the ones in the ice storms and other bad weather , day or night, putting the lines and poles back up and getting service back. This job is not as cushy as some people think.

    1. Damn straight.

      Everybody takes their phone service for granted including cell service. But whether it's snow or ice, we are the ones who are out there.

  19. Maybe he's out on the picket line looking for a new position after the strike is over... since he won't be a Congressman and if the school district smartens up about how he is inappropriate to teach children because of his low moral character.

  20. Jim just can't help himself, can he? It's bad enough we had to see his ugly mug all over the place when he was mayor, now we have endure seeing it all over the place. I wish this tater tot would move to another town. Berlin's really nice, Jimmy and closer to your work. Why don't you go harass them for awhile.

  21. That's a good one. Conservative union members! Too dumb to realize that neither the union nor the republican party gives a crap about anything other than money.

  22. Since he announced his doomed run for Congress in Crisfield maybe Jim Ireton should move there? But oh yeah that would be further to get to Rehoboth Beach. Bummer. Longer ride to get to all those FABULOUS menz or boys - more like it for Jim! Haha.

    Does he not realize while he "won" (or did he?) elections in Salisbury... the county is conservative and the shore is conservative and the first district is conservative. He won't get 40 percent of the vote and I can't wait until the HISSY SISSY fit we will see around town (or more like it if you pop in to Roadie's or Market Street) from Ireton when he loses.

    I just wonder what the next lurch will be from Ireton because he will lose the Congressional race, he had to step down as Mayor because he knew he would LOSE to Day, and what else could he run for???

    Instead of checking out which office he will run for next, he should check into rehab.

  23. Move him to Washington DC. There's plenty of gays there. And since all the pro marijuana folks who are anti-Harris are sending Jimmy money he should feel right at home after he loses. Ireton has a drubbing waiting if he wins the primary with all the stuff they can use on him. Please friends vote for Andy Harris and spare us having to see Ireton's face lecturing us from Congress or more importantly EMBARASSING the shore with his antics which he will just bring with him.

  24. Anonymous said...
    There are a few Verizon Wireless locations that are unionized, not around here though. The FIOS work is done by union workers.

    April 14, 2016 at 6:46 PM

    Oh now I understand completely! I have only been on the waiting list for FIOS for the past 9 years! They want more money - make them wait like they make the customers wait!

    1. No FIOS for the Eastern Shore of Maryland, because they don't want to make the investment. $1.6 BILLION in PROFIT every single month, and they aren't going to spend a dime that cuts into that profit.

      They maximize profits by refusing to invest in the infrastructure in the communities that have historically been their bread and butter. And now, by arbitrary cuts to the existing wage and benefit packages. They were wildly profitable before, with existing wages and benefits, and are simply greedy to demand the lowest paid employees (the union represented workers!) accept greatly diminished compensation for record breaking productivity.

  25. Link wages and benefits to that productivity and profit, and when profits go down, what will you say then?

  26. Verizon knows that it makes no sense to invest in a dying technology. Fiber optics/cable/wire are all dying means of transmission.

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  28. Anonymous said...
    Funny how people complain that there's so few good jobs, then bash those who still have them, when they are just fighting to keep them.

    April 14, 2016 at 6:45 PM

    WTF are you talking about? If you are talking about the strikers at Verizon they aren't fighting to keep a job they are fighting for high pay.


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