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Saturday, April 09, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Wilson Reynolds

Hello Joe,

Here is a journalistic challenge for you since the family have not even published the mans demise but Wilson B Reynolds of airport road salisbury former owner of Advantage Color Lab on Eastern Shore Drive, East Coast Property Management Co. in OC and Duck Neck Campground in Chester town all bankrupted to pay for his new ponzi projects and resorts in Tennessee CROAKED owing PNC bank millions and a lot of local hard working farmers that leased his lands here contractors and landscapers that have done work for him and employees that with held SSI payments were never made here and in Tennessee. Not to mention the talent he roped in for his ESPN outdoors hunting program Primal Instinct. He carried a badge espousing he was an agent for the dept. of the interior and flattering himself a photographer paid young gals on Model Mayham to take their clothes off for pictures. He bullshitted a lot of good ole local people swearing he was a Reynolds tobacco heir that had given that dirty money to the American Cancer Society and was a self made man. Champion Duck Caller that consulted with the Duck Dynasty guys and inventor of Mossy Oak Camo. Very charismatic man. Smart endearing and totally full of SHIT. Floating paper robbing Peter to pay Paul and tying people up in courts to further his crazy pathological egomaniac. A frothing rabid Republican he is the sort that has divided our ranks and credibility as Entrepreneurial altruist opportunity makers for those so inclined that bowed to humble opportunities and wound up high and dry.....and he is dead, trying to keep up with all the lies.
The Nose


  1. I guess the period key on his computer is broken.

    1. ROFLMAO. 1256 you're too much! 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹

  2. What are you trying to say here?

  3. then come to find out,he was enguaged to 4 different women at the same time.they all showed up at his home when his death was announced.poor wendy didn't see it coming!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Poor Wendy? She had knowledge of all his "business dealings". She is also part of the group of 5 women who were engaged to the man at the same time. In Wendy's case she was 100% aware that Wilson was MARRIED, as he has been for the last 20 years, to the same woman. She simply didn't care if he was shady and didn't mind being a mistress/adultress, from my understanding, Wilson and his wife,as I understand, were separated at the time of his death.

  4. If scamming is your business, there's no better place to start out than Salisbury, Maryland. There is an abundance of generations of get-rich-quick wannabes who will bite at almost any bait.

  5. 12:56 is right! Anticipated the end of the first sentence, and finally, after 103 words, I discovered a period. Had to read it again to get the point. Love those run on sentences!! All in all, you shouldn't write a sentence longer than it takes to read aloud with one breath, albeit a comma or two does help.

  6. Who cares? He was scamming white people and banks. Not like he was a drug dealer or robbing the dominos delivery guy. Personally, why would anyone want to be engaged to 4-5 women? Married or not, that's just plain insane!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. It is my understanding that Wilson was separated from his wife legally for over 3 years prior to becoming involved with Wendy. She had no knowledge of any other fiances and was under the impression that all businesses were being properly run.

  9. It is difficult to say of a dead man, but he was a deceptive human being. I was not aware of his wife , or fiancee Wendy, but I do know very well one of his other finacee's who had been with him over the last 5 years. He was a man full of lies, secrets and excuses. I feel sorry for all the people he hurt in his path.

  10. How and where did he pass away. I heard very little about his death, found no obituary nothing on facebook either. What happened

  11. Wilson was a deceptive man. He was married(not legally separated), was engaged to 5 women, had a dating profile on Match.com, and was trying to make me fiance' #6. If he conducted his professional life as he did his personal life, I feel sorry for all involved. We were all innocent victims, including Wendy. He was a cunning con-man that preyed on single mothers.

  12. to the "men" that posted, you all are a said bunch.

  13. Firstly, what's a "said" bunch?
    Secondly I knew Wilson off and on for 10 or 15 years. Never knew someone as deceptive as him. For a fat ogreish slob he did alright for HIMSELF, others not so much. This guy could out lie Clinton, O'Bobo, O'Malley and the imbecile Biden on their BEST days! Oh well, he's got a bigger yarn to sell now, not my problem!

  14. I'm shocked to read this. I did a lot of work for him in his photo lab in ND. He was always good to me and paid me on cash and every summer gave me a week in his condo rentals for about 7 years. I know he always had lots of things going on nut never heard any ill will about him

  15. I'm one of his MODEL MAYHEM models, so to speak! Haha. Not much MODELING was involved with Mr. Pervy.
    Rest in Peace, Wilson.
    And, oh yes.... I'd like my Pussy Pics back ASAP.

  16. Yes, I knew Wilson having worked for him for over 10 years in OC. He would take advantage anyway he could, if you let him.
    I could never understand how he could rope in so many ladies. He was a piece of work.


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