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Sunday, April 24, 2016

A Viewer Writes To Mark McIver: Subject: Republicans against Trump


When I visited the opening of Trump HQ, I was later told that Ms. Wellfonger (sp?) was there. From her actions, she is a staunch Democrat. Now we have Julie Brewery pounding against Trump. I really don’t get it, (well, yes I do)

I have avoided approaching the Central Committee for membership just because of these two, but I guess my real question is, do you and the rest agree with these people and back them up somehow? I heard now that there was a shared table space at 3rd Friday with the democrats club. True?

Are R’s and D’s the same party now here and lobbying against Trump? Is it now R&D against Trump? With Cruz being the biggest RINO in the race, I can see the chances of that.

I mean, that’s what I’m seeing nationwide, and am wondering if your Committee is doing the same in light of your present membership? Colorado and Wyoming seem to be happy to ignore the voting process, and with the current “fear” being displayed by the RNC over Trump’s popularity, I wonder why the RNC ever accepted him as a bona fide candidate in the first place, and why they have now decided to become the Choice of the Peoples worst enemy.

I would truly like to get involved in our local and national election process as a Conservative person, but am quite put off with what I would have to work with here. Would me joining advance any of your agenda, or would I be better off to just start my own Trump Support Organization that would not think twice about going Independent with Donald if he was finally voted out by the dead RNC?


  1. The biggest RINO is Trump, and you've fallen for it.

    1. Julie you should stop commenting here.

  2. Cruz a "RINO"? He is the only true Conservative in the race.

    That stimulates me to ask, "What is a Republican?"

    Nothing for or against Trump.

  3. Can someone please tell me who the delegates in Maryland are for Trump? I've not been able to find that info.

    1. Look at a Republican ballot - Trump is listed by their name (vote for 3 delegates and 3 alternates)

  4. "Are R’s and D’s the same party now..."
    Yes, they are and have been for quite a while now. Both support big business, global corporations and an established cabal of deceit. Neither, let me repeat that, neither have our best interests as an agenda.

  5. 10:09-

    Trump delegates are: Grant Helvey, Michael Marchi, and Joe Sliwka. You vote for up to 3.
    Alternate Trump delegates are: Dona Goeller, Claude T. Lewis and Denise Kuchta Lovelady and again you vote for up to 3.

    1. All of those people are stand up people that will not sell their delegate vote. They are bound to Trump and to Trump they will remain bound.

  6. 1009
    We actually vote on them next week for District 1. There are at least 50 of them. We can also vote for alternatives.

    Just google md ballot district one.

  7. I see Julie Brewery has caught on lol Nice she is a drunken pill popping fool. All you old guard Republicans allowed this useless turd in. Sorry Woody you guys need to clean up your mess if you want real Republicans to show any interest in the Wicomico Republican Club.

    I am in the process of looking into starting a completely new club with a back bone. Trust me it will have Governor Hogan's blessings what an embarrassment the Shore Republicans have become. Get that drunken stupid bitch out of there you guys are killing the party.

  8. Trump is as much a Republican as Sanders is a Democrat. Both are using the parties against them. Neither will actually win in the end but it's going to be the end of one of not both parties by the end of the election.

  9. trump has done more by just showing up on the shore and cruze never will.

  10. Political parties are private clubs that have no basis in the US Constitution.

    Why are people so surprised that their whole reason for being is self-perpetuation on other-peoples-money?

  11. 10:00 Cruz "the only true Conservative in the race" really? Being conservative is a relative term. What has Rafael Edward Cruz promised to do with the Iranian nuclear deal "tear it to shreds" meanwhile were still out $155,000,000,000. Meanwhile his wife wen to work for Goldman Sachs in 2005, just prior to the housing bubble bursting. He is another smooth talking politician in it for himself and has already used some slick tactics to attempt to advance his political career. He is the Pointy-Nosed Satan.

  12. Go vote 10:09, and you will clearly see them on the ballot. It tells you who they are and who the represent.

  13. THANK YOU for answering my delegate question. That's a huge help!

  14. ted cruz is a hypocrite and a liar, he hides behind the bible, but the my bible does not say the ends justify the means. He is so full of himself he's delusional! really good choice for the most powerful nation to have in charge! NOT!
    Trump is a business man and like any business man I'm sure he will make sound financial decisions!

  15. Trumps numbers in Maryland are high...Julie is weird at best and not a good Rep. for the Republican party. Not sure about Mark. The local leaders are slow at best.

  16. I want to participate as a Republican supporting the People's Republican Choice, Donald Trump, but how can I with these local members? They would make me look bad just by association!

    1. Go down to the Trump campaign office on Main St in Salisbury and volunteer. They would be happy to have you.

    2. Jackie Wellfonder, friend of Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook, William Duck and the entire Ireton for Congress team. She's always out drinking with them and the whole time she is drawing a paycheck from Andy Harris's campaign. Anything she knows about Andy's campaign strategy is certain to be whispered into Ireton's ear. She is not trustworthy. Julie Brewington is a loud mouthed, egotistical, POS but she is not a democrat or an operative for the democrats, like her friend Jackie. The central committee and the republican club should demand their resignation from any and all seats held or revoke their membership in the case of Wellfonger.

  17. Yeah, so I'm to join up with Julie Brewery?

    No thanks!

  18. Strong women often get the most criticism...shame becsuse it's continuing the myth of women hating conservative republicans...stop really comment here all you want but if you can't join and lend your voice it doesn't matter..stop bitching and have some real input

  19. 1118 Julie Brewington isn't a strong woman, she's a moron with a drunken past that makes Charlie Sheen look sober and saintly. Get your head out of your tushy and think before you comment.

  20. The woman hatred here is strong. #gotrump


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