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Sunday, April 10, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Is this picture really appropriate for a Mayor?


  1. Carnegie Mellon, Oxford...and ends up getting a job from Daddy at Perdue. What a joke.

  2. Looks like a one term mayor to me.

  3. He was a loser as an LT, he is a loser as a Mayor.

  4. This shows how much he really doesn't care what the voters want or think. Buh-Bye, Jake.

  5. No surprise here, met him at one of the Roundtable Meetings, he sat beside me and we talked of local issues, until someone important to him walked in and he never ever spoke again.

  6. What goes around comes around.

  7. Arrogance is ugly.

  8. A Lt. in the army of Obama is equal to a private in ISIS.

  9. You guys st Sbynews should get a way to like comments because I like them all here. Day is just a mindless boob who likes to be mayor because it strokes his over inflated sense of self. His plans for downtown are pipe tom foolery as four years is hardly a long enough time to bring such things to construction reality. With pictures like this from his own making, he can't expect to be anything more than a one timer. Just more waste of taxpayer money. Nothing more. Actually, his salary is a waste along with his staff. With a mayor like this, why do we need one at all? Not like you're getting any bang for your buck with that one.

  10. I saw it and thought it was a drunk post. What mayor except the one who smoked crack in Canada would put this on the Internet. What a fool. I know you did not like him but Ireton was 20x better than Jake Day. Jake grow up please.

    1. Ireton is a loser. Not a Jake fan either

  11. Jake Day is exactly what Salisbury needs.

  12. Appropriate for Mayor....NOPE. Just a kid playing the part

  13. He's just childish. Let him have his play time. Not really able to accomplish much anyway.

  14. Jake's ego will be his demise. He's a joke. The picture is the real Jake that I know. He isn't truthful. Don't believe he cares about anything else but JAKE.

  15. Where this this picture come from?

  16. I do t think Jake posted that picture. It's pretty clear that someone else posted it on his FB page in congratulating him on his promotion to captain. ( a significant accomplishment that deserves recognition).

  17. Seems like a feminine thing.

  18. I don't think the Mayor or Captain posted that. I'm a conservative, but I also have a lot of respect for the current Mayor. Unlike the last Mayor, I find him very respectful and at least he's trying to do something positive. It's a funny thing no one else threw their name in the hat to run for Mayor, so at this time, it's to early throw stones, at least give him a chance.

  19. No class at all. Same category as Obama dancing the tango while the world burns. These people only think of themselves and do not care what others may think about them. This reflects the morals of today's world, it's time for them all to go.

  20. Captain of Catchers? appears that way....

  21. 2:39 only respectful part time. Experience telling him no on something he wants and you will see just what respectful isn't. He lies! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Nope Jake won't get another chance with me.

  22. The sad part of the whole thing he's an officer in the military?? Unreal how'd you like to be under his command in war zone. Can anyone say friendly fire!!

  23. Appropriate? Yep - for da'Bury.

    Better than his predecessor.

  24. Promotion for Brown nosing.

  25. 1 term pt mayor I heard sheriff Lewis is thinking about running for mayor.

  26. Well ain't he just so cool? He really thinks so.

  27. 3:10 As a older Veteran we looked at an officer with the qualities to lead us into battle. Now days their leadership is limited to a computer and drones.

  28. Wow Jake Day needs a good spanking to take him down a few notches by a strong woman. What an arrogant punk.

  29. Can't expect much from a place called "da bury".

  30. funny how he thinks he actually possesses influence to peddle --there are only a few parcels of land left that he can give away

  31. You're just jealous that you don't know how to caption photos Albero. If you did know, we would be exposed to such titles of; I am the worlds richest man, I have more money and properties than everyone, I retired at the age of 40, I put the entire news world out of business, I have tens of millions of followers, I have 450 collectable cars, I am not a liar, I never made mistakes etc. etc. etc............Go jump in your ditch.

  32. HE SHOULD BE IMPEACHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. Crude and rude. Maybe okay for the barracks but not for Facebook.

  34. 6:41, Thanks for the laugh. Talk about jealous. Insert foot in mouth.

  35. Nor for a mayor 6:49.

  36. Hey it is the mentality of people today.....look at any Facebook, instagram, tweet, etc. and it is all identical to this....look at ME!!! The word for the folks posting on social media is narcissistic!!! Get a life.

  37. Well you ALL we know who is right or wrong about Day. If he has more pictures of himself than ireton and done just as less. We ALL will know the answer! !

  38. Anonymous said...

    A Lt. in the army of Obama is equal to a private in ISIS.

    April 3, 2016 at 2:25 PM

    So True!!

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You guys st Sbynews should get a way to like comments because I like them all here. Day is just a mindless boob who likes to be mayor because it strokes his over inflated sense of self. His plans for downtown are pipe tom foolery as four years is hardly a long enough time to bring such things to construction reality. With pictures like this from his own making, he can't expect to be anything more than a one timer. Just more waste of taxpayer money. Nothing more. Actually, his salary is a waste along with his staff. With a mayor like this, why do we need one at all? Not like you're getting any bang for your buck with that one.

    April 3, 2016 at 2:27 PM

    I agree with everything you said and it is all the truth! Like, Like, Like!

  40. Ha. That's a good one that Day has more pictures than Ireton. Ireton tweeted another picture of himself tonight this one putting back up a road sign that "blew over". Blew over or someone knocked it over! Lol. No one wants Jake or Ireton in office. Bye bye liberals!

  41. Strange no one wants them in office --- so how come the eligible voters voted them in as Mayor?

  42. To 8:50p. Oh Chuck Cook and friends. When 10-15 percent of the electorate participates this is what you get Ireton and Day. I notice you say "eligible" voters... as if all eligible voters voted. These are low turnout affairs. This past election was in an off year... the previous elections were in April. Why not have them on a Saturday in August? Oh wait you can't do that because Jimmy will be in Rehoboth. Scratch that.

  43. Day was unopposed! That's how he won. Wow. Liberals aren't a smart bunch.

  44. 8:50 PM, no one had to vote for him, it was given to him.

  45. No this is not appropriate!

  46. I wish folks stopped complaining on here and do something to defeat Ireton. All the talk doesn't defeat him. Donate to Harris. Work for Harris. Don't let up in defeating Ireton.

  47. Joe you should have waited till Monday to post this because no one even noticed the Jack Heath post on the chicken Houses.

    Maybe you should repost the Jack and Jake post to keep as the top post all day Monday.

  48. Jake Day was unopposed because 1) No one cares about this run down, crime ridden city anymore.

    2) Everyone knew the slum lords and realtor people were told to vote for Jake Day. You had a Bill Martin and Associates sign up on Main Street posting illegal free advertising for Jake Day in his city council race and again in his Mayor race. That is all Bill Martin wanted and he posted no other politicians sign on his property other than John Cannon. He ran an ad on his digital sign for no one other than Jake Day.

  49. Which one of you big mouths on here is going to run against him? Na, that would be too much like work.

  50. Two Things Could Be TrueApril 4, 2016 at 1:11 PM

    107, who would want to run? Look at how cruel you people and Ireton were to Albero when he ran. You people really are rich to think that being mayor of Salisbury is such a big thing that you feel the need to personally persecute anyone who runs for your mayoral office.

  51. Sorry Jake you look just like you just fell out of the "closet" lol. Love ya man don't let these get to the media again. Oh yea anybody Ireton hired, fire them.

  52. Really 1:11 PM? No one wants to run because the opposition might be "cruel" to them? Poor babe, some people just need to grow a pair.

  53. Wow 5:58pm I didn't write any of the comments which led up to this but "grow a pair"? Seriously dude. Either you are Day, Ireton, Chuck Cook, Demone or crew. And there isn't a pair between the four of you unless you mean a pair of high heels!

  54. Two Things Could Be TrueApril 4, 2016 at 10:46 PM

    824, 558 was referring to my comment and it's true. When people run for a public office, they are under scrutiny, but you people are particularly vicious when it comes to slandering people, misquoting them, persecuting their families by calling the names and making snotty sneers that are simply unwarranted. Perhaps if you realized that not all elections have to be a blood sport, and start making assessments on ACCOMPLISHMENTS rather than TALKING you might get yourselves some viable candidates that can be restorative for Salisbury and your personal lives through having the means to raise your families. However, until you do this, you're still going to get the narcissistic pigs that are only in for themselves to placate themselves or make up for having small.... Get a grip, 5:58, you sound like a schmuck.

  55. Idiots. You all don't know a good thing when its staring you right in the face. Stop your frigging complaining and do something positive.

  56. Tsk tsk. You stupid voters you! Idiots! You don't know a good thing dear voter. Yes indeed. A drunk, pinko, pervert, flunky, abusive, hostile, women hater like our former Mayor James "Peter" Ireton, Jr. who was demoted to council since he did such a GREAT job as Mayor -- yelling at women, plying himself on reporters, causing suspicious accidents that he was shamed into lower office. Now at least Day I think is an honorable man who won't be stumbling out of Roadie's or plying himself on reporters. At least I hope not. Day is much better than our former Mayor! I will say that. Vote for Andy Harris you dumb stupid idiot voter - right? 10:47pm ?(Ireton, Day, Cook, Hughes?) - because you also have a good thing right now in an honorable Doctor Andy Harris who THANK GOODNESS represents OUR VALUES in Congress. Go Harris! Defeat Jim Ireton!

  57. I for one believe he deserve a chance before we criticize or judge.

  58. Blogger Drew said...
    Really 1:11 PM? No one wants to run because the opposition might be "cruel" to them? Poor babe, some people just need to grow a pair.

    April 4, 2016 at 5:58 PM

    I believe he was referring to the people who would be 'served' by the elected person, not his opponents in any race. And I believe you would be such a person that he is describing.

  59. Very inappropriate, unprofessional for an elected official. Period!


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