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Sunday, April 24, 2016

A Viewer Writes: The Cost Of Adoption?

In regards to your post, the spay and neuters and the grooming are all being donated. Also all food and supplies were donated. So why is the adoption fee still the same?


  1. Good point. One would think they'd want these pups who have suffered in incomprehensible conditions to have a good home. People's character should outweigh everything else. Talk to someone long enough their nature will come forth.

    1. I don't care how wonderful someone is, if they can't afford to provide a safe, healthy home for the animal, they shouldn't have one.

  2. So the Humane Society will be prepared for the next puppy mill disaster?
    If you cannot afford the fee, please don't adopt a dog because you cannot afford to take care of one either.

  3. If you can't afford $150, you can't afford a dog.

  4. $150 is cheap, compared to some of the fees that breed rescue groups charge. If these were coming from a breeder or pet store, the cost would be two or three times that. Consider it a bargain.

  5. The HS still foots the bill for standard care and medical care, spay/neutering, vaccines, and a lot of other expenses that are trivial but still add up. The adoption fees allow the HS to recoup some...not all...of those expenses to be applied to the animals coming in. The fees also demonstrate that the adopter is able to financially care for the pet for future medical and yearly needs. It also tries to ensure that the adopter does not have nefarious intent for the dog like being a bait dog. For reputable rescues and shelters, it's not about the money....it's pay it forward. While the HS has been recently blessed financially and in-kind by this community, remember that this facility runs year round and the donations will in no way ever ever amount to the past two weeks. Hopefully, they will never have to see the things they've seen in the numbers they've seen again. One can pray. (Before you go there, yes, there are problems at the facility that need to be addressed by the community to the Board. For the most part, the employees are there for the animals. If they speak out, just as there is in any business, there are retaliations and the animals suffer. )

  6. We just adopted a rescue cat from PetSmart in Salisbury and the cost was only $85.oo that included all the shots and being spayed. Animals are the most precious things you can own as a pet and I agree with the comments. If you can't afford the price then you can't afford the pet. My wife and I do not know how we could make it through the day without our little furry friends. We recently had to have one put down and after so many loving years with us it is one of the hardest things to do. The love they bring is priceless!!

  7. More importantly - if you're on welfare and/or food stamps, adopting a dog shows you're a leech or lying about your finances. Pets cost more on a regular basis than simply the adoption fee! If you've got money to care for a pet (luxury) we should take you off welfare and/or food stamps!

  8. Shouldn't the same argument go for Kids? If you need welfare to support them, you can' have them. Some one should police this, too!

  9. Because 501c3 not for profits actually make money, they just don't pay federal taxes.

  10. The fee weeds out some people who cannot afford to take proper care of a pet. Also, it helps pay for the care of other animals, whose care expenses have not been donated. If money is a big concern for you, perhaps you shouldn't adopt a pet. ps... bitch, bitch, bitch

  11. 10:57 Doubt that is who wrote in about this. Most likely another recipient of SS who thinks they should get a discount on everything.

  12. I paid the full adoption fee several years ago for a little mix breed dog and have never been happier. I certainly would not expect them to make an exception for a purebred dog. I wish I could help them and adopt another but my little guy thinks he is the ONLY dog in the world....Hahaha

  13. iT'S of most importance that there is an
    adoption fee with any dog or cat! As said,
    they cost a lot of money to maintain in a
    proper way & if you can't afford the minimal
    fee-----then you should not have an animal.

  14. Vet, food, treats, grooming etc will cost you that much a month, if your properly taking care of you dog.

  15. The adoption fee includes all of the first vaccinations, starter food, and a spay/neuter. The average cost of spaying/neutering an animal alone far exceeds $150 (source: father is a vet)

    The Wicomico Humane Society does well with the resources they are allotted. Please don't create drama where it is not due.

  16. Call over to Petsmart and ask what the spay and / or neuter cost alone are for your animal......$150 is a DEAL!!!!! Now check on grooming....they aren't making a dime at the Humane Society. Thanks to all the kind folks who volunteered their services!!!!

  17. Plenty of free dogs on Craigslist.

  18. 3:30 $150 is abot $60 too much

    Spay/neuter cost per MD SPCA
    Male Dog $90
    Female Dog $90

    1. Let's not forget about the microchip, all vaccines, wormed, and 4dx tests. Your $90 only covers the spay/neuter.

  19. Wish the SPCA was near Salisbury for our
    folks here! There is no such price at any
    of our Vets in this area for $90.
    Does our H.S. here in Wicomico offer a
    spay/neuter program. That would be Great
    if they did as it might keep so many puppies
    from being born.

  20. Don't need a micro chip but it is $25 at SPCA. SPCA vaccines are $10. Y'all just don't get it do you? Everything comes down to money.


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