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Friday, April 08, 2016

A Big Week For Parents: New York State, San Francisco Establish Paid-Leave Laws

Two record-setting parental-leave laws were passed this week, on opposite sides of the U.S.

In New York, the state became the fourth in the country to offer some form of paid parental leave to residents. When fully implemented, the state's program will compensate parents for up to 12 weeks of leave — twice what's currently covered in the most generous states.

And in San Francisco, city supervisors voted to require employers to give workers six weeks of paid parental leave — not just partially paid, but fully paid. It's the first U.S. city to pass such a measure.



  1. They just continue to turn America into a Socialistic State. Those businesses will leave and relocate and those states taxpayers will foot the bill for unemployment, and welfare.

  2. Where do they get the authority to dictate to private businesses what benefits they offer? Especially a city government.
    Under what authority can they make this demand?

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    They just continue to turn America into a Socialistic State. Those businesses will leave and relocate and those states taxpayers will foot the bill for unemployment, and welfare.

    April 8, 2016 at 3:47 PM

    it's called employee benefits. just another cost of doing business. the company will add it to their prices and the consumer will pay for it. as they do for just about everything else.

  4. and the cost of doing business just went up
    companies will not pay this, you the consumer will.
    enjoy the higher prices

  5. So, I guess you people want to go right back to work after having a baby?

  6. And people wonder why women on average are paid less then men.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And people wonder why women on average are paid less then men.

    April 8, 2016 at 8:27 PM

    it's called being sexist

  8. Two Things Could Be TrueApril 8, 2016 at 9:30 PM

    Since when did it become the employer's burden to carry for someone else's decision? I know you guys will think I'm a jerk but as a woman - you can't have it both ways. Women want CHOICE but yet an employer is supposed to pay for said choice? Really? Do you hear how intrusive into private business this is or am I just imagining it?

    Private businesses are owned by people who took the financial chance to open that business. The pregnant employee has ZERO risk to work at that business. And conversely, the employer can't tell people they can or cannot have children. That's a personal choice. Therefore, take personal responsibility.

    The law is just another edge to get employers to just a) not hire women due to that risk, which screws women or b) go out of business which the whole business bears the consequences. All I can do is smh at the idiocy and nannydom that permeates our society like a virus that no antibiotic can cure.

  9. 9:14 your lack of understanding of basic economics is truly astounding. Sexism has nothing to do with it.

  10. It's not the woman's fault. The just have more things that go wrong than men do.


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