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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

83 Year Old Man Brutally Attacked

It's video that's difficult to watch. But police hope it will help catch a brazen O.C. attacker.abc7.la/1MvuQrZ

An 83-year-old man is pummeled in a parking lot as he strolls down the sidewalk. Just what type of person would beat an elderly man? This very clear video could be the key to cracking the case.


  1. This is what causes racism. My primal urge to kill is overwhelming at the moment. If not for my military discipline, I can see how this enrages our youth to retaliate on principle instead of seeing this as just one worthless human assaulting another human. I've had enough Internet for one day.

  2. The attacker is carrying a bag or two of groceries. He probably shopped just up the street. There might be more video there.

    Again, there are more mentally ill people than anybody knows.

  3. If it were my father, and I found him, he would never make it to trial.
    I'm sure he would get out after 90 days and do this again, and I would not allow that to happen.

    Dead man walking, you watch.

  4. seems to me that someone needs to track down the disgruntled native and put a bullet through him

  5. It is a subhuman culture.

  6. No one practices distancing any more.I too am not young,but I would notice the path of an oncoming person and distanced myself accordingly.One arms length plus 6 inches to be exact.And for heaven sakes keep your eyes on the person who you are encountering.That extended distance provides a split second to react.

  7. i know... an anger management course should do it...

  8. Never saw this on the news..Oh thats right if this was a black 83 year old man getting beat up by a white guy it would have been a racist attack and on every new channel. I forgot black on white crimes is not a hate crime its just a everyday act that no one talk about.

  9. The question was " what type of person would attack a old man like this " , the answer is an animal , you think I'm racist ? You are right , it's a commin folks!!

  10. would love to had been there with my loiusville slugger add another couple of dings to it

  11. I do hope with all my heart when they find him, they beat the living $&^% out of him and stomp on him and kick him just like he did to this man minding his own business. An freaking animal is what he is, nothing more.


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