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Saturday, April 16, 2016

1 firefighter dead, another injured in Prince George's County shooting

Suspected shooter in police custody

TEMPLE HILLS, Md. —A firefighter is dead and another is wounded after a triple shooting Friday night in Prince George's County.

Police said a firefighter and a firefighter-paramedic with the Morningside Fire Company were called around 7:30 p.m. to check on a man at a house in the 5000 block of Sharon Road in Temple Hills.

Prince George's County Police Chief Hank Stawinski said a relative of the man believed he was experiencing a medical emergency.

According to police, the man did not respond when the firefighters arrived.

"They tried to get his attention, knock on the door, the door was not answered. At that point, they decided the best course of action was to try to enter the home, check on the individual," Stawinski said. "Shortly after beginning that process, a series of shots were fired at the firefighters."



  1. They are leaving out the race of the killer, but, as usual, we all know.

  2. "They tried to get his attention, knock on the door, the door was not answered. At that point, they decided the best course of action was to try to enter the home, check on the individual," Stawinski said. "Shortly after beginning that process, a series of shots were fired at the firefighters."

    They screwed up. No firefighter or paramedic should force entry into any house. This is the main reason why. I know you dumb Farmin are going to come on here and whine "oh but we have a dead fireman." Yes you do and you should learn from their mistakes.

  3. what if it was some elderly lady that had fallen down and had a heart attack, forceable entry is permitted and taught to emt/ fire fighters. all ambos around here have a set of irons on them ( haligan bar and axe) what happened there is a freak accident which couldnt have been prevented. If they would have called for police, they would be getting shit for taking too long. Try going on a few wild runs in salisbury and then come back and talk with the adults

  4. I used to live in Temple Hills , 99% blacks now , of course it's P.G. County , the arm pit of Maryland with Baltimore running a close second. Temple Hills is an exclusive of Fannie May and Freddie Mac , come deal with us and then foreclose.

  5. It was a BLM member, they set up the murder thanks Obama.

  6. Jesus. The shooter was an old man. Probably had hearing aide run out of batteries and got scared when his door got kicked in. This is part of the job. Not need to detain the man. Bull crap. 12:21. God I wish you'd post your name you coward. This farmin would retire just to get the chance to earn my vacation at 411 Naylor Mill Rd. Since I can't hurt you..... I pray you have a painful slow and agonizing death and you have to beg a farmin to not let you die.

    1. Are you serious?? You wouldn't last a week at 411 Naylor mill let alone any penitentiary. GROW UP!! Come forcd your way into my house and see how that works for you

    2. First off. This farmin is no stranger to 411. Have also made mistakes young and went to prison. Worked hard at correcting my mistake as a young man. And I proudly serve Delmarva as a model citizen. But don't get me twisted. I'll fight or kill in a heart beat. I'm no cupcake. Second of all.... I'm not the guy to force entry unless I see a victim in need. If not ....let the cops do it. And third of all..... I totally agree with your feelings of a forced entry. If I'm fine and startled I would put holes in a firefighter or cop as well as a thug. And to answer your question. I'm more serious than a heart attack. Not all the farmin in the community are cop loving government tools. Some of us are real life in your face patriots who believe in our rights and freedoms. And shooting an intruder in my home is one of those.

  7. Chris said...
    what if it was some elderly lady that had fallen down and had a heart attack, forceable entry is permitted and taught to emt/ fire fighters. all ambos around here have a set of irons on them ( haligan bar and axe) what happened there is a freak accident which couldnt have been prevented. If they would have called for police, they would be getting shit for taking too long. Try going on a few wild runs in salisbury and then come back and talk with the adults

    April 16, 2016 at 1:26 PM

    Obviously someone with little to no experience. The biggest clue was "EMT." Get a life bozo.

  8. Let someone try forcing entry in my house whether I heard them or not. If I don't want to answer the door that is my perogative. Force entry and you will more than likely be shot and I shoot to kill. I know that firefighter meant well but he was a little to cockstrong and he should have had better training than that, but it's PG County. What do you expect.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    First off. This farmin is no stranger to 411. Have also made mistakes young and went to prison. Worked hard at correcting my mistake as a young man. And I proudly serve Delmarva as a model citizen. But don't get me twisted. I'll fight or kill in a heart beat. I'm no cupcake. Second of all.... I'm not the guy to force entry unless I see a victim in need. If not ....let the cops do it. And third of all..... I totally agree with your feelings of a forced entry. If I'm fine and startled I would put holes in a firefighter or cop as well as a thug. And to answer your question. I'm more serious than a heart attack. Not all the farmin in the community are cop loving government tools. Some of us are real life in your face patriots who believe in our rights and freedoms. And shooting an intruder in my home is one of those.

    April 17, 2016 at 1:25 AM

    I would be curious to know what department you are a member in if you don't mind me asking. You don't need to say your name, just your department. Thanks for serving.

  10. More moronic spew from the few. See whata gets when yus kick my door. Right you candy ass. Computer tough guy. If they let the old bastard die they get grief. If they force the door they get grief. Cops and Fire fighters need to take about two months off. We would see who the real tough guys are. 12:49 you would not leave your house to buy milk you wus. That is wimp and puss combined tough guy. You probably breast fed till you were eleven. Computer bas azz you are a joke.

  11. They needed to wait for police.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Jesus. The shooter was an old man. Probably had hearing aide run out of batteries and got scared when his door got kicked in. This is part of the job. Not need to detain the man. Bull crap. 12:21. God I wish you'd post your name you coward. This farmin would retire just to get the chance to earn my vacation at 411 Naylor Mill Rd. Since I can't hurt you..... I pray you have a painful slow and agonizing death and you have to beg a farmin to not let you die.

    April 16, 2016 at 7:27 PM

    You're an idiot and don't use Jesus' name in the same paragraph as you are spouting out violence.

    The person is only saying the firemen screwed up and maybe you could learn from this mistake you ignorant wannabe "FARMIN!"

  13. Anonymous said...
    Are you serious?? You wouldn't last a week at 411 Naylor mill let alone any penitentiary. GROW UP!! Come forcd your way into my house and see how that works for you

    April 17, 2016 at 12:49 AM

    Exactly. Stupid paid firemen in Salisbury are big and bad until the shit hits the fan. They are all mouth and always have been. They get it from their leadership and it flows down hill.

    Jake Day you must be proud to represent the City of Salisbury and the Salisbury Fire Department. What a loser.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    More moronic spew from the few. See whata gets when yus kick my door. Right you candy ass. Computer tough guy. If they let the old bastard die they get grief. If they force the door they get grief. Cops and Fire fighters need to take about two months off. We would see who the real tough guys are. 12:49 you would not leave your house to buy milk you wus. That is wimp and puss combined tough guy. You probably breast fed till you were eleven. Computer bas azz you are a joke.

    April 17, 2016 at 3:39 AM

    And this include you, right!

    I know you aren't a tough guy because you are nothing but a computer bas azz, what ever the hell that means. PUNK!

    You morons at the Salisbury Fire Department think you are so important and so needed that we can't exist without you. WRONG. Call 911 and Salisbury will get anyone from the county fire departments. They have to come put your fires out for you anyway. I remember the little garage fire at your back door that you needed the County firemen to come put it out for you. Funny thing was you guys were right inside playing on the computer and you let it burn to the ground. You little thugs are worthless.

  15. Poor guy wanted to play macho and kick the door in. I feel sorry for him and pray for his family but fireman are not Superman and you should never stand in front of the door. May he RIP.

  16. Anonymous said...
    First off. This farmin is no stranger to 411. Have also made mistakes young and went to prison. Worked hard at correcting my mistake as a young man. And I proudly serve Delmarva as a model citizen. But don't get me twisted. I'll fight or kill in a heart beat. I'm no cupcake. Second of all.... I'm not the guy to force entry unless I see a victim in need. If not ....let the cops do it. And third of all..... I totally agree with your feelings of a forced entry. If I'm fine and startled I would put holes in a firefighter or cop as well as a thug. And to answer your question. I'm more serious than a heart attack. Not all the farmin in the community are cop loving government tools. Some of us are real life in your face patriots who believe in our rights and freedoms. And shooting an intruder in my home is one of those.

    April 17, 2016 at 1:25 AM

    So where are you a fireman? Are you going to tell us or not?


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