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Friday, March 04, 2016

Wicomico County Executive Culver Refused To Get Fooled By The WBOC's Dusting Call Again

The dusting of snow amounted to 4 plus inches in Wicomico County. It was a beautiful sight as you can see by these pictures. They were taken around the county while the equipment worked to salt and clear the roads.

The County was prepared in advance this time by loading each vehicle up with salt and placing the plows on them a day in advance. 

Great call Bob!


  1. Glad Bob had the common sense not to trust WBOC for their weather report!

  2. Do not forget Dan is the metrologist of the year with ALL his experience. If he is metrologist of the year I can pilot a Boeing 747 coast to coast. What a crock of c*** from Delaware's news leader.

  3. For some reason Dan is simply being left out of the communique?

    The folks who plan the weather are no longer telling Dan how to report. Perhaps he pissed someone off? He is now wrong all of the time!

  4. The roads were fine. Glad it's almost spring, tired of you ragging on this man.

  5. Then please explain why John Fredericksen shut down the schools in Wicomico County then. I have been out and about since 5:30 AM and the roads are all passable.

  6. Thank you Mr. Culver!
    3:33 Schools were closed because we had a good amount of snow; Luckily the roads were warm enough to keep them from freezing. However, with such an inaccurate forecast of accumulation… It also could have gone the other way with the temperatures and if they had dropped ... the roads would have been deadly. Fortunately, the county was prepared this time.

    We love our children, and no room for error when their lives may be jeopardized. Stop being a whiny, jerk.

  7. It sounds like all you people got up after the fact. I was out all night long running doubles between Crofton, Waldorf and Pocomoke and Wicomico and Somerset don't do diddly until around 4am. Dorchester, Talbot, Queen Annes and across the bridge had pre treated their roads on Wed. through Thursday am. On my last leg of my last trip it took me more than double time to get through Wicomico and Somerset. The bypass was in pretty rough shape. This happens all the time in this type of weather. The County could probably save money by just pretreating the roads.

  8. zt09, I don't know how many times I have to say this but hopefully this is the last. The BYPASS is maintained by the STATE, not the county.

  9. Joe-I am aware of who maintains the bypass I was just giving out road conditions for the stretch of my travels through Wicomico County which contradicted what others were stating. Thanks.


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