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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Wicomico County Elected School Board Passes House Of Delegates Today

Will the Bill finally go to referendum?

While Norm Conway and Senator Jim Mathias have held this decision hostage for years, the House of Delegates finally passed the Bill today and it now heads to the Senate. Should the Senate move it forward and Governor Hogan agree, (which is a no brainer) the bill will finally go to referendum and you will have three choices.

1. Governor Appointed
2. Fully Elected School Board
3. Hybrid

Senator Mathias held it back the last time stating there hadn't been enough open meetings on the matter. We at Salisbury News had immediately argued, why not let the VOTERS decide! 

Nevertheless, it is now headed to the Senate and if Mathias and Co. hold it off again, one can easily predict that this will be Mathias' last term. 

Originally posted at 3:28 PM. 


  1. Mary Beth Carozza could have defeated Jim Mathias in the last election. Maybe she will choose to run against him in the next election.

  2. Jim better be on the right side of this. Maryland is no longer a blue state.

  3. Again the school board should be chosen by the electorate of the county. Keep all school decisions on the local level.

  4. 4:43 - Right on! Except for the start date of school, we need to give that kind of control to the State!

  5. All I say is you better watch what you wish for.

  6. Mathias should not be elected again either way

  7. 5:25 - gettin' ready to say the same thing - it should be his last term regardless!

  8. Mathias does not represent his constituents... he has even thrown Ocean City under the bus by supporting the construction of offshore wind that will kill or displace the porpoises we watch when we visit the ocean.

  9. Since this thread is showing tangents I'd like to add another.
    I'd like to point out that the stars are inverted on the GOP elephant. They are 'goat' stars synonymous with a 'pentagram' and 'Satanism'. As opposed to the 'man' stars on the Dem's donkey. Man stars because they resemble DaVinci's Vitruvian Man.
    It offends me GREATLY that the RNC decided to make this neo-pagan change at the beckon of the GW Bush campaign in 2000. And, while it won't affect my support of the GOP this election year, it does show me what the 'establishment GOP' is capable of.


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