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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Whoopi Goldberg to Ben Carson: Why Support ‘Racist’ Trump? ‘That’s How Hitler Got In’

Thursday on ABC’s “The View,” former presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson defended his endorsement of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump against co-host Whoopi Goldberg’s charges of racism and sexism.

Whoopi Goldberg asked, “Sir, I hate to ask this question, but you have aligned yourself with a man who has bashed women, made countless racist remarks, and you’re Ben Carson. Why would you — why would you align yourself with that is this this?”

Carson answered, “Well, you know, you have to look at the good and the bad. There’s no perfect person.”

Goldberg said, “No, I know that.”



  1. Why is he a racist now?

  2. No Whoopi, that is how Obama got in.

  3. Whoopi, you haven't given us anything else relevant, so why try now?

  4. Years ago , the public took a young girl out of poverty (Whoopi) gave her fame and fortune , now she forgets . What a waste of brain power. Of course , I expect nothing less from this black racist.

  5. Whoopi said before she would leave the Country if Donald was elected.....hmmmmmm, even more reason to vote for Trump I'd say!! Whoopi better look in the mirror when she wants to see the biggest racist of all times!

  6. Whoopi defining her limitations ...as usual


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