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Thursday, March 31, 2016

What else has changed over the years?


  1. All kinds of things have changed to crap since President Reagan left office.

    The military was decimated by Clinton.
    The office of the presidency was trashed by Clinton (along with the carpet).
    The constitution was discarded by the current POSPOTUS.
    Welfare is now at it's highest rates.
    Welfare recipients civility is at its lowest rate!
    The national debt is now more than all of the previous presidents combined!

    We miss you President Reagan!
    You're a peice of crap Barry Soetoro!

  2. Treasonous OBAMA.

  3. Yeah well, we all make mistakes....i.e., ohbummer!

    Its been a long 2900+days. Good news - REAL change finally begins Jan 20, 2017!!!

  4. That is because Obama is not an American.

  5. Reagan had more class in his little pinky, than obama will ever have.

  6. will Osama move back to Kenya or chicago

  7. The last moral POTUS we've have., and he wasn't a politician, he was an actor. The next moral POTUS will be a businessman, not a politician.


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