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Saturday, March 19, 2016

What are Democrats Trying to Hide

The office of the Inspector General exists to hold government agencies accountable and root out waste, fraud, and abuse. But apparently, Senate Democrats have no interest in a bill that would allow them to do just that. As the Daily Caller notes:

Senate Democratic Minority Leader Harry Reid refuses to say why for months he has blocked a bipartisan bill designed to ensure inspectors general access all of the official documents they need to fight waste, fraud and abuse in the federal government.Three months ago, the Nevada senator blocked an attempt to pass Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley’s IG Empowerment Act with unanimous consent, which would make it crystal clear that the 1978 Inspector General Act gives presidentially appointed IGs authority to access all agency records for investigations and audits.

Reid still refuses to change his position or explain his objections. A spokesman for Reid did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for an explanation of Reid’s opposition to the bill. The measure is co-sponsored by Democratic senators Tammy Baldwin and Claire McCaskill.“I cannot imagine anything controversial about wanting inspectors general to have access to the people and documents they need to do their jobs for the American people,” Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, another co-sponsor of the bill and chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, told TheDCNF.

It's quite simple. Government is corrupt. There's a bill on the table that would help bring sunlight to its dark doings, and the Democrats, the party of backroom wheeling and dealing, are terrified of it.

Source: AAN

1 comment:

  1. What Democrats are trying to hide, for starters, is their true history.


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