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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Watch: Hannity, Ramos Face Off Over Immigration, Trump - 'I Don't Need Lectures From You, Jorge'

Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” host Sean Hannity took on Univision’s Jorge Ramos on the issue of immigration and the candidacy of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, who has taken an hawkish approach on the issue of immigration on the campaign trail.

Ramos attacked Trump for his declaration that the border should be sealed in the wake of this week’s terrorist attacks in Brussels. Ramos also suggested Hannity had not sufficiently defended his colleague Megyn Kelly from Trump’s criticisms.

Hannity accused Ramos of misrepresenting the GOP front-runner.

“You don’t care about the 640,000 Texans,” Hannity said. “You’re taking his comments out of context, you’re calling him racist, you’re calling him bigoted, and you totally misrepresent what he said, and you think you’re the superior reporter? I don’t really need lectures from you, Jorge Ramos.”

More, with videos.

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