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Friday, March 04, 2016

Trump's Running a General Election Campaign He's Been Planning for Years

RUSH: Last night and Trump's press conference. Once again he comes up with Planned Parenthood. He gets a question about Planned Parenthood, and he's not wavering from this. And people are misunderstanding what's happening. In the South Carolina debate I was taken aback when I saw Trump go on and on about Planned Parenthood. That was the debate where he accused Bush of knowing in advance of 9/11, knowing that there were no weapons of mass destruction, I mean, all this stuff that left-wingers say, the radical left wingers say, Trump's out there saying it, and then I realized what's going on, it's an open primary, Democrats can cross over and vote.

But actually it's even more than that. There are two stories here today. One of them is in The Politico: "The Media's Trump Reckoning: 'Everyone was Wrong'"

And this story was a review of a number of bold-name, very well-known Drive-By Media reporters and analysts having to eat crow. It goes back and cites all of these different people who said Trump was a one-month wonder, a two-week wonder, he's not gonna last, he's gonna implode, Trump's gonna blow it, Trump's this, he's not gonna be a factor.


1 comment:

  1. "I'm gonna do this every 4 years until I die." said he.


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