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Thursday, March 17, 2016

True the Vote Update for This Week

Phony ACORN voter registrations discovered in Ohio
Remember ACORN? While the infamously corrupt organization may have dissolved years ago, its handiwork still lives on. You may recall in 2008 when the group boasted that it helped submit 1.3 million voter registrations. In Ohio alone, ACORN claimed almost 250,000. Well, eight years later, TTV is still finding bogus Buckeye registrations. This week, we announced the successful removal of more than 1,000 duplicate voter registrations in Cuyahoga and Columbus Counties. When Cuyahoga officials were reviewing our work, they offered an additional data point -- confirming that nearly a third of all records in question were furnished by ACORN or Organizing for America.

In a statement circulated this week, TTV Founder Catherine Engelbrecht noted, “While many voter records may become duplicated due to data management breakdowns, you have a different issue entirely when nearly a third of the irregularities show a pattern of intentional forgery. Americans working in the polls and casting ballots must be extra vigilant this year to help spot irregularities that can throw an entire election into question.”

When you go to vote in a primary or general election this year, make sure your name is only listed once – it’s the fastest way for you to take control of the situation and see it resolved. Click here to read the press release on this matter.
Check out our latest IRS lawsuit filing
We’re only a few weeks away from our court date before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia on April 14. You can read our final brief (it’s worth a read!) here. It’s surely been a long slog to get here, but we’re ultimately getting closer to justice. True the Vote is incredibly thankful to all of our backers and our legal team in this endeavor. This brief is a perfect representation of how we’ve conducted this case, without pulling any punches. If you happen to be in D.C. on our court date, we’ll see you there!

Who’s REALLY voting in America?
That question is being debated on multiple fronts this week. If you joined us for the March National Webinar, we walked through the high-stakes lawsuit, NAACP v. Newby, where left-wing groups (aided by the Obama DOJ) are working to block select state and federal regulations requiring proof of citizenship in voter registration. The federal court announced this week that it would rule on whether it will hand down a preliminary injunction in a few weeks. If you missed our webinar on the subject, you can catch a replay,here.

Texas’ voter ID law gets another court date
Even though the Lone Star State’s photo ID requirement remains in force for Election Day 2016, the eventual fate of the law is now in the hands of the full 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, according to an announcement this week. The Texas Attorney General applauded the decision to re-hear the case. A date has tentatively been set for the week of May 23. You can read more about this story on the TTV website, here.


  1. These guys are one of our best defenses against what the libs are trying to do to steal elections.

    I'm supporting them.

    There's a ton of very interesting info on their site.

  2. supporting this group. they need more support.

  3. This stuff is years late, or maybe it just took 4 years to get here, but every county in America needs to have th cleaning.

    It shouldn't take a single organization to clean every county's voter rolls; every county should be cleaning and checking their rolls daily.

    I challenged Anthony Anthony Gutierrez about it, and he said there's just nothing to worry about, everything's "fine"

    I offered mu services for free. What is he hiding?


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