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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Today's Survey Question 3-24-16

If the presidential election were held today, 
who would you vote for?


  1. Trump. The establishment needs to have a shaking.

  2. TRUMP Hillary needs to be in Jail!

  3. None of them. The final decision is made by the electoral college anyway so my vote technically means nothing. If this country really gave a damn, the electoral college would step in and put an end to this fiasco, tell the candidates that they're unqualified, undignified and demand the parties find better representation to fill the office of the most powerful position in the world.
    This election campaign has been a disgrace. Name calling, back biting and with behavior that is nothing short of juvenile!
    No wonder other countries hate us. We're a laughing stock.

  4. Unfortunately , Hillary

  5. 10:58

    You obviously are a human of little character. How can one vote for a confirmed liar?.

  6. 11:27 I agree. It says much about this country and how low some have sunk when they support someone like Clinton.

  7. 11:12 are you new to politics? Do some research, you sound uneducated. Every single campaign has been like this. Lies and more lies.

  8. There will be a lot of us 11:27.

  9. 11:12-the electors pledge their vote to whoever wins the popular vote in a state. It's a very good system otherwise those in more populated areas would be deciding who becomes president and less populated states wouldn't have a vote.

  10. Trump... Cruz... doesn't matter. Anybody but Hillary!

  11. By the process of elimination I am left with Trump. It is unfortunate that most of the presidential elections are done by the process of elimination.

  12. Kasich. He helped balance the budget in DC, and turned around Ohio's fiscal mess.

    1. That pos is a rino flip FLOPPER.

  13. ABC. Preferably Trump. I would have preferred Carson but since he's out of it...

  14. It depends whom Trump chooses for VP. I will not vote for Clinton regardless as her choice for a Supreme Court Justice will push us even closer to the devil. In my opinion that choice is as or more important than the President. I look for Trump to surround himself with the best minds in the country unlike those that are currently in politics and have already been bought or promised many a position.

  15. 12:30. Actually Kasich's Ohio job numbers have trended almost exactly with the National job growth numbers. No better. No worse. He also expanded Medicare under Onamacare.

  16. President of what? The United States of America no longer exists. Hasn't for a long time.

  17. Baltimore and Montgomery County will vote for Stalin/Clinton.

  18. Trump - he says what he feels and what everyone else is thinking - I am so sick of "politically correct"

    He's a rebel and even though he is a little bit crude sometimes if he surrounds himself with the right people he would be great

    Obama was supposed to make a difference and look how that turned out

    Trump all the way

  19. Clinton Clinton Clinton We gotta get the first woman President in there.

  20. Trump,guiliani ,Carson.

  21. Trump all the way. Vote Trump!!

  22. FRAT CLUBS @ SALISBURY UNIVERSITYMarch 24, 2016 at 3:10 PM


    1. You're wasting your parents and my money on a college education!

  23. We need a strong leader. TRUMP

  24. TRUMP! He owes news media, politicians and all of the free loaders like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson NOTHING. Lets have it American, a new start to make this country great again and one we can be proud of.

  25. TRUMP!!!!! Just remember u may not like Trump but if u don't vote for him you are giving your vote to Hillary! Please don't stoop to giving ur vote to a liar!!!!! Trump is speaking loud and clear because it's the only way to wake up America!!!!

  26. You have to select a President who will protect us. Wake up - Hillary is not it. Hillary's Benghazi experience proves she isn't the right person. No military person will vote for her - they simply cannot. We need America to be great again. DO NOT VOTE FOR HILLARY PLEASE !!!!
    If we do ever have a woman President, let it be someone we can be proud of, and someone who was qualified for the job - regardless of sex.

  27. Of course Donald Trump. Donald Trump is showing the United States, what happens when someone who is NOT controlled by politics, cannot be bought, and is "just an American" what happens. Democrats hate him, Republicans can not control him. Since no party backs him, that means he is a threat to the agendas. That also means he is a threat to their lies and deceptions. He is exactly what America needs right now. We always hear people say we need to get every career politician out of politics, might as well start at the top. If no party likes you, you are doing it right.

  28. Trump because he is not a liar.

  29. Trump without hesitation....he dosent have ties to the corrupt parties that have destroyed our Country. No promises, favors or deals with the congressional crooks!

  30. Trump , he is the only one worth voting for.

  31. "Please don't stoop to giving ur vote to a liar!!!!!"

    I agree. It's not possible for a person who is decent to vote for Clinton. That Glantz hire by Ireton is a Clinton groupie. Goes to show what a nasty putrid person she is. Her parents need to be ashamed over what they raised. Absolutely ashamed of themselves for raising a daughter who doesn't have the decency to not support confirmed liar. The city needs to watch her like a hawk too because her support of Clinton may prove she is not on the up and up and isn't capable of being honest.

  32. Looks like a landslide to me, thank God!

    Trump all the way!

    Thank you GOP for sponsoring him!

  33. Trump or if the NWO stops him, Cruz

  34. Really???? those of you saying Hillary. Haven't you had enough of the Clintons? I look forward to having a woman president, but she is not the right one for the job. Benghazi should be enough for any person who values human life NOT to vote for her. She is a disgrace and untrustworthy. The first woman president needs to be of impeccable character. That is NOT Hillary Clinton.

  35. Trump. And just for the record, Ted Cruz was the first to start mudslinging about Melania Trump so please get your facts straight!

  36. Trump 2016. it just blows my mind that there are Killary and Bernie supporters out there. It's scary to think I am walking amongst them every day!

  37. Anyone but hillary.

  38. myself i probly wouldn't get as many laughs as all of these fools running for office have a nice day

  39. Trump so he will lock up the PC police.

  40. I would jump to Trump.


  41. 7:20 pm

    GOP may be sponsoring Trump....be nice if they would support Trump.

  42. Trump to end Welfare.


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