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Saturday, March 12, 2016

TIME Guide to Official 2016 Republican Nomination Calendar

The official road map for the GOP candidates is released

The 2016 Republican presidential race may turn into the most grueling campaign in two generations thanks to a series of rules and calendar changes instituted by the party in recent years.

The combination of a front-loaded calendar and the expansion of states splitting their delegates among candidates, means a nominee won’t be likely be known until the spring at the earliest, according to the Republican National Committee—and perhaps months later. If three or more candidates pick up a substantial share of the early delegates in the first month of voting, the race could go all the way to early June, if not the convention.

GOP state parties had until Oct. 1 to submit their delegate selection plans. The Republican Party gave TIME an exclusive look at what they entailed, providing the sharpest picture yet of what the next nine months of campaigning will look like.

Here’s your guide to the 2016 Republican Nomination:

Delegates to the convention: 2,470*

Delegates needed to win the nomination (50%+1): 1,236*

How many delegates does each state get?


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