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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

This Arizona Cop's Expression Says it All About the Radical Left


  1. Paid liberal thugs - the best they can do!

    They're starting to realize how fed up the right is with the entire system - and the Donald might just win and take out their house of cards!

  2. I bet the majority of those protesters are unemployed lazy losers. The woman screaming is a psycho.

  3. The dumb asses.
    they stand in the middle of the road (!) and then get upset when someone drives through them??
    They thought it was all "social justice" and everyone would appreciate and love how well they disrupted the lives of the average Joe.
    They forgot the average Joe has a JOB in the day and has to get to work, driving down the road these idiots wanted to block.
    The driver should have stopped about 50 yards back and floored it.
    Bet your life THAT would clear the road of the roaches and scum.
    And what the hell are the police doing, allowing the highway to be blocked like that???
    The police will pull people over for changing lanes without a signal (because it's SO dangerous), but casually allow dozens of people to STAND in the middle of a road???
    Keep cheering.

  4. Good for them more people should follow the Jeep. I was once in a very uncomfortable situation and did drive though a crowd blocking me from exiting a street. They all moved very quickly once they knew I did not intend to stop.

  5. Plowed through?? At 1 mph? I don't think so.

  6. As a police officer, I don't understand this either. Have all the drivers roll up their Windows all the way and empty the "big can" on these idiots. Lock up the ones that don't flee in pain....problem solved.

  7. 2:43pm
    My guess is that a 'higher power' is telling them to stand down. And it's a GD shame to realize that.


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