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Tuesday, March 15, 2016


This was the theme of the CPAC conference this past weekend. There was great satisfaction (and relief!) to be surrounded by 10,000 people who hold your beliefs and philosophies concerning government and the Constitution. After six years of battling to get our message out, I know I am worn and weary, but this weekend convinced me we have almost won! Now is not the time to get discouraged or step away. We are THIS close to getting our message across!

This election season has Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, two antiestablishment candidates, as the first two choices with the most electoral votes so far. Americans are tired of electing candidates who break their promises and vote for what the lobbyists want. They are tired of gargantuan bills that pass Congress BEFORE being read. They are just tired…. and the Washington Establishment is literally running scared.

We have seven weeks to our Maryland Primary and eight months until the November Election to continue waking up our electorate and getting the vote out. Our message is loud and clear; smaller government, less taxes and an end to massive regulations written and approved by unelected government workers to name a few. The tide is in our favor.

To all of you who have diligently worked and helped our Worcester County Tea Party over the years, it hasn’t been in vain! For those who have been watching from the sidelines, JOIN US NOW at our monthly meetings; help us contact elected officials on various bills; help us rally and get our message out. Our time is now. If we lose this election, this chance may never come again in our lifetimes.

Thursday, March 24th is our next meeting at 7 pm at the Ocean Pines Library. Come meet a Maryland Senate candidate and then hear the most powerful message to come out of CPAC. I am so looking forward to seeing you there!

1 comment:

  1. Conservative is just a political term used by politicians. It's like saying Islam is a religion. IT'S NOT!!!


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