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Friday, March 04, 2016

The Establishment's Plan to Nuke Trump

The GOP Establishment is absolutely panicked. As their golden boy, Marco Rubio, has totally and completely flopped, they're forced to choose between Ted Cruz and alienating their entire electorate. Because Cruz himself is a sworn enemy of the consultant class, they're choosing the latter. On Morning Joe, Bill Kristol explained their plan to beat Trump or burn it all down:

If a bunch of rich, angry GOP elites rob Trump supporters of their victory, the blowback will result in so many voters staying home in November, Hillary wins. As NBC’s Chuck Todd pointed out last night, at this point the delegate math is such that the only way to stop Trump is through this scheme at the convention.

As you’ll see below, that outcome is preferable to Kristol, and by extension it is safe to assume that outcome is also fine with the rest of the Republican Establishment.



  1. This kind of thinking and manipulating of the voters choice well make Trump even stronger. They still can't grasp the reality that voters are finally fed up. There many of us that still believe that we can save America before we are totally turned into a 3rd world Country.

  2. Its always about control

  3. If Trump is brokered out at the convention I can see him looking straight into the camera and saying to us, "I'm still running for President, and everybody's going to vote for me anyway. Americans are tired of this dishonest Establishment, and they will demand that I become their President".
    And that, my friends, is how we will have our first Independent Party President of The United States!

  4. I do not believe anything that comes out of the media today. Trump is bringing out record numbers of voters. I believe exactly the opposite of what we are being told. I believe that Trump will get the Democrat and liberal vote too! He is the only one that can beat HC.

  5. Like him or not it looks like Trump will be the republican nominee so we better hope we can at least control him.Good or bad he's got to be way better than that POS the dems are running.


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