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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Ted Cruz on the Attack

Ted Cruz won the Wyoming primary yesterday, and is now within 90 delegates of Donald Trump. On Friday, Cruz joined Sean Hannity to talk about the importance of cutting government. The conversation immediately shifted to Donald Trump, and Cruz let loose. As RedState notes:

HANNITY: How do you get Washington to spend less. I’ve always liked the “penny plan.” Because it’s simple. You cut one cent of of each dollar for six years and you get to a balanced budget. But that’s part of it. What would you do?

CRUZ: The only way you can do it with, one, strong conservative leadership in the White House backed up by the people. You know, one of the striking things last night, in the entire course of the debate it became very evident that Donald Trump has no solutions to any of these problems.

HANNITY: [unintelligible] But I think the question most Americans want to know is how do you get to a balanced budget. But…eliminate baseline budgeting…

CRUZ: All of that matters but the most import piece, if you want to turn around the deficit and the debt, is economic growth. If we stay at 1 and 2 percent economic growth…

HANNITY: …can’t do it…

CRUZ: …the math doesn’t work. You can’t cut enough and Donald, at the end of the day, doesn’t understand where growth comes from. Because Donld, he’s said a lot of times, you know, nobody knows the system better than he does. And he may well be right. Because Donald is the system, he is Washington, and notice his perspective, Donald’s perspective is government is the answer to everything. That whatever the problem is, we need more government. And to every issue he doesn’t really disagree with Hillary and Obama on substance, he just says they’re not doing a good enough job, he’ll negotiate a better deal with socialize health care and ObamaCare. And here’s the key, if you want economic growth you know two words that never come out of Donald’s mouth: small business. Because to Donald’s perspective the economy is about giant corporations, New York billionaires, sitting down with politicians, whether it’s Hillary Clinton or John Boehner and suckling off government and getting rich at the expense of the working men and women. Listen, to heck with big business. The focus of growth has got to be small business.

Cruz's tactic- of asking Trump for specific policy proposals and getting him to articulate specifics seems to be the most effective strategy offered so far.

Source: AAN


  1. how many delegates does WY have? 3?

  2. When will we run out of fingers to point , just tell us how to fix America . Donald Trump is a success because of his knowledge of economics , what the hell is this guy "cruz" suggesting?

  3. If you want to point a finger , point it at Obama. He's screwed up this country.

  4. Mmmm , one of the most successful men in America is Trump , how stupid is he?

  5. Correct me if I'm wrong , Trump is always on the defense because of accusations from the competition. I don't think I've heard him talk in a negative manner toward Cruz unless it is in response to a bunch of BS from Cruz or other candidates. What a circus we've built!

  6. They are going to deny America Donald Trump just watch. This is not a Dem Or Republican thing but an establishment panic. OMG beltway insiders might not get the hookup for another 4 years! That is what the attacks are about.

  7. Dear 7:13
    You may be correct , but I hope not. If so , the other establishment will certainly declare war on the beltway insiders and others. This may lead to another Obama term.

  8. Cruz is definitely sharper and more intelligent when it comes to understanding and explaining the issues than Trump, and Cruz would crush Hillary in a debate.

    However, only Trump can beat Hillary in the general election. The general election isn't about substance and experience (i.e. Obama getting elected twice). It's about showmanship.

    Trump will publicly air the dirty laundry about the Clintons, and not give a rats-ass about the consequences. He'll say the things most other politicians won't.

    I'll be voting for Trump, not because he's the best republican candidate, but because he's the only one that can beat Hillary. That's the world we live in now.

  9. 12:33....right you are.

  10. cruz is nothing but a blow hard talk it to death senator. hasnt done a damn thing with his life other then preach. we don't need another politician who's lying to us just to get elected. more of the same ol same ol!


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