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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Superintendent To Be Voted On And Announced Tonight

I understand tonight at 7 PM will be a public meeting to formerly vote on and introduce the new Wicomico County Superintendent of Schools.


  1. This was decided some time ago - the vote is a formality - hold on to your hats as this might not go over well.

  2. I guess that assumes a 'yes' vote..

  3. There is one clear candidate that teachers want and it is not who most people think. Sometimes looking at those already in the system isn't the best option. IMO, the candidate that already works for the BOE is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

    1. And that's why Dr. Townsend was not chosen.

  4. Anonymous said...

    There is one clear candidate that teachers want and it is not who most people think. Sometimes looking at those already in the system isn't the best option. IMO, the candidate that already works for the BOE is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

    March 22, 2016 at 3:01 PM

    Name names Dumb A$$!!

    I don't want Kathy Townsend or Lorenzo Hughes.

    Lorenzo Hughes would be a conflict of interest because his brother is Desmond Hughes who is in charge of Transportation. Everyone knows that Desmond got the job because he is married to former County Councilwoman now Maryland State Delegate Sheree Sample Hughes. So that would make Lorenzo Hughes Delegate Sharee Sample Hughes' brother-in-law. That is a major conflict of interest and he should not get the job because of that. Also if the Superintendents Job came up in Dorchester County he would bail out of here in a heartbeat leaving Wicomico County Public Schools high and dry!

    1. Dr. Hanlin was be right choice. Good luck to her.

  5. I have talked to many people and they all clearly do not want Kathy Townsend. If she becomes the Superintendent there will be a mass exodus of teachers.

    To the BOE members you need to make a wise decision tonight! Just remember an elected school board is right around the corner!

    1. And where will they go?
      Can't pay bills with principles.

    2. They made the right call.


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