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Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Subject: Poll: 61 Percent Say Immigration ‘Jeopardizes the United States’

A majority of Americans say immigration is putting the United States in jeopardy, according to a new poll obtained by Bloomberg Businessweek.

The poll, commissioned by A.T. Kearney, a global management consulting firm, found that 61 percent of Americans agreed with the statement, “continued immigration into the country jeopardizes the United States.”

A.T. Kearney’s poll of 2,590 Americans, according to Bloomberg, was conducted last October and November by research company NPD Group and is slated for release later this month.

As Bloomberg detailed, the view that immigration jeopardizes America was pervasive across age groups but highest among baby boomers, 65 percent of whom agreed with the statement. Millennials were the least likely age group to hold that view but still a majority, 55 percent, agreed “continued immigration into the country jeopardizes the United States.”



  1. It's unregulated immigration that hurts us. Don't bring more people here with no visible means of support while we struggle to house and feed millions with no or inadequate means of self support.
    It's basic economics and respect for those who are increasingly towing the ever heavier load.

  2. No it's immigration period 5:52. It is the reason why wages haven't risen in over a decade. When you allow a steady stream of workers in the country who are ready willing and able to work for low wages the country suffers. The middle class disappears, neighborhoods turn to blight and with that comes crime. Salisbury and Wicomico county is the perfect example. This because the 'major' employer the chicken companies hire the workers who work for the low wages. They don't have the same standard of living either and this is why the area is known as The Armpit of the Eastern Shore. Everyone's racking their brains trying to figure out how to turn the area around, well it ain't happening. The area is a wasteland a toxic wasteland and intelligent people who have businesses or the means to start a business look at this place and run away fast.

  3. True 7:15. I know of someone who is trying to sell their house after a job opportunity took them to a county in VA about 50 miles from DC. The house has been for sale for awhile and hardly gets any interest and when it does the people tell the real estate agent they don't like the near by chicken houses. The little development was there way before the massive chicken houses were built. They are going to probably have to let the house get foreclosed on which hurts everyone but they have no choice. We've always wondered about something from that area that I don't have and that is when she would walk her dog at night with a flashlight the air was filled with fine white particles floating around and could that be from the chicken houses. I don't have it at my place which is rural but no chicken houses nearby so maybe it is.

  4. The best place for the immigrant Syrians is right here in the Armpit of the shore, they can get jobs in the chicken plants!


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