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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Subject: Indonesian Psychiatric Assn: Gays Have ‘Psychiatric Problems,’ Trans Have ‘Mental Disorders’

The Indonesian Psychiatric Association (IPA) has officially announced that homosexuals and bisexuals are “people with psychiatric problems,” and that transgender people have “mental disorders,” conditions that can be treated.

The announcement was reported in several media outlets, including The Jakarta Post, The Guardian, and The Christian Post.

The IPA said that “people with homosexuality and bisexuality can be categorized as people with mental problems,” as reported in The Guardian. The group added that gays suffer from “physical, mental, and social problems, growth and development, and/or life-quality problems, thus giving them risks to experience mental disorders.”

Transgender people “can be categorized as persons with mental disorders,” said the IPA, which “may cause suffering and obstacles in functioning as a human being.”

IPA member Suzy Yusna Dewi said of homosexuals and transgenders, “We really do care about them,” as reported in The Jakarta Post. “What we are worried about is, if left untreated, such sexual tendencies could become a commonly accepted condition in society.”

Suzy also drew a parallel between these sexual problems and drug addiction. “Without constant intervention, a person can easily return to their previous sexual tendency once he or she experiences withdrawal.”



  1. Normal people already knew that.....

    The prime example that comes to mind...:
    From Wheaties to Fruit Loops!

  2. In the 2010 Indonesian census, 87.18% of Indonesians identified themselves as Muslim (with Sunnis more than 99%,[10] Shias 0.5%,[11] Ahmadis 0.2%[12]), 6.96% Protestant, 2.91% Catholic, 1.69% Hindu, 0.72% Buddhist, 0.05% Confucianism, 0.13% other, and 0.38% unstated or not asked.[1]

    Any more explanation as to why the IPA says this should not be necessary.

  3. Look at the old mayor of slumsbury, he continues to act crazy!

  4. they were NOT born this way...these are choices that are made. period

  5. Add liberals to that.

  6. 3:08 Even if you were right, which you are not. What business is it of yours how people would choose to live their lives?


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