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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

SU Contributes Over $480 Million Annually to Local Economy

SALISBURY, MD---Salisbury University's impact on the Eastern Shore economy is approaching half a billion dollars annually and supports almost 3,300 local jobs, according to a recently released 2016 economic impact study. The University adds nearly $80 million each year to local, state and federal coffers from taxes generated by this activity.

With a community of some 10,500 students, faculty and staff, SU has had an increasingly positive impact on the area economy, growing by some $130 million in the last decade. A steady, planned increase in student population; hiring of new faculty and staff; and a dynamic reconfiguration of the physical campus with several notable construction projects have been hallmarks of the expansion.



  1. Like any and all government entity.....they lie and cheat

  2. Meanwhile umes has the only campus town that has no impact on the local economy other than police

  3. Their students also increase the crime rate. Local housing is a mess because any decent affordable housing is "Student Only". They disrupt the road multiple times a year for their events or student move in. They push local businesses out to buy up property for more college buildings.

  4. 8:31 hits it.. This article is marketing BS. If you want to talk about the impact of the college on the area, let's talk about the ENTIRE impact. Take their figures and deduct the costs of services they require for their drunk and disorderly behavior, the impact on the housing in the community (driving rents through the roof), the quality-of-life impact they have on their neighbors and the ways that they alter the character of the community (like loud, potty-mouth behavior in restaurants and stores, etc.), and the way the campus and its environs has become such an urbanized ghetto.

    Tell me again how great this is...

  5. (Impact this):
    You left out their 120 million dollars worth of trash & broken bottles on our sidewalks.
    A huge burden to the homeowners, especially the elderly.

  6. W/O SU Salisbury would fail and become little Detroit. Please tell me what else Salisbury has aside from the University.

  7. It would be great if they just closed and left the area. No more problems, trash, traffic, drunks or parties. No more Salisbury either. SU is one of a very few employers in the area that pay more than minimum wage.

  8. the study must have been done by beacon which is a part of su.

  9. All of this money yet we can't allow them to have fraternity houses.

  10. I say about time we get rid of Salisbury University. PRMC is another thorn in this town. Come to think of it I've never been fond of Perdue. Take em all out. It's time to make Salisbury great again!

  11. With all of that money, can't they take down that ratty-ass, faded, ripped up American flag in front of Holloway Hall and replace it with a clean one?!


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