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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sheriff Lewis Named Citizen of the Year

The men and women of the Wicomico County Sheriffs Office congratulate Sheriff Mike Lewis on being named Citizen of The Year by The Elks Lodge No. 817 in Salisbury. We are proud of you Sheriff for receiving this very prestigious award. We would also like to thank the Elks for their very generous donation to the Sheriff's Office.


  1. Thanks Sheriff Lewis!

  2. I can't wait to run against this FOOL next election.

    1. you dont hava a chance in hell....

    2. Awwwwwww really sit back and watch.

    3. 811
      We feel you're pain we street cops can't wait till he is out.

  3. Impressive looking group! Well done Mike!

  4. Dear 8:11
    go and run against Mr. Lewis , he will whip your a$$ as needed.
    You , by the way , wouldn't make a pimple on a law officers a$$.

  5. 8:11 Fool: And what makes you think you can beat him? If he even decides to run for sheriff again.

  6. LOL the good ole boy club.

  7. This is no different then giving the "Citizen of The Year" award to the whole of LE.

  8. Great to see a group of LE officers that aren't 100 lb overweight.
    Good job guys!
    I still remember seeing video of LEOs 'running' across the parking lot to the San Bernardino shooting scene.. barely able to walk by the time they got there. I'll bet they were almost useless till they could get their breath. That could have gotten them killed.
    People who do what you do for a living need to take care of themselves. It could mean the difference between going home at night or not.

  9. Great job Mike....keep up the good work, your supporters way out number those who wish they could do or accomplish half of what you have done in law enforcement!

  10. Still laughing that they call it a prestigious award:) Elks=old drunks

  11. That's a really big check for such a wee little man.

  12. As he grins and spews some more fiction another needle pushed tainted drugs into a arm of a local resident.

    Arm up and be prepared people because unless a grip can be put on this epidemic there will not be enough sheriffs to stop whats coming.

    This problem needs some serious brainstorming to be solved.

  13. How would the deputies feel to have Leatherbury as there leader?

  14. Representing the lolly pop guild.

  15. You know maybe I could go along with this IF Sheriff Lewis really did his job in Salisbury and Wicomico County but he does not. Drug deals happening day and night all over the place. Somehow or another, Sheriff's Dept, City Police and State Police ALL NEED TO WORK TOGETHER and don't say they are, because obviously, they are not. You are losing young people left and right to the drugs going on. All the awards and citations in the world aren't going to take care of the problems out here on the streets. I know you have a very hard, unthankful job but you chose it, now do it. Enough show boating, get down to the brass tacks and piss some people off, don't be up everyones behind just to get ahead a little. If it needs to expose everyone in higher places, then so be it, do it.

  16. how many elks were arrested for dwi after the ceremony

  17. if the people under you don't like or respect you, you're not much of anything of the year. or at least nothing good

  18. I guess that this means all the Elks getting drunk at their private bar won't get any dui / dwi citations now. Excellent use of their donation money and citizen of the year award.


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