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Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Sheriff Clarke: ‘Black on Black Crime’ ‘Much Bigger Problem’ Than Community Policing

(CNSNews.com) – David Clarke Jr., the sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wis., said on Thursday that black on black violence is a much greater problem in the United States than the much rarer incidents of police using deadly force in the line of duty.

“You know when they talk about black lives matter, black lives really matter, they’d back off the police, and they’d focus their efforts on things like black on black crime, which is a much bigger problem in the black community than the few instances – fortunately – few instances of police having to use deadly force, you know, to save their life or somebody else’s,” Clarke told CNSNews.com at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland.



  1. Black on black crime is a huge crisis and it's unfortunate that most blacks do not value life unless they can attach an agenda to it. We see it right here. That Ashanti couldn't wait to ram her head right up the rectum of the Baltimore incident by telling the states attorney on her FB that she was proud of her for bringing the charges against the officers. When a black is murdered right here by another black that Ashanti doesn't utter a word. What a poor excuse for a human being she is.

  2. Black lives matter know white people are not keeping them down. It's all bs.

  3. 3:14 you are absolutely right. Black on Black crime in America is at a all time high. No one is uttering a word. The level of crime in major cities against White people by Blacks is at an all time high. People need to wake up and stop thinking that being politically correct is fixing anything. It is only enabling week minded people that can not see the future. Educate yourself and believe in your cause. I am all for that. Just standing pointing the finder at an entire race of people and blaming them for your short comings is pure racism and week.

    I am sick of people who lump all into one class or another. It is appalling to see how many young people that have the world at their feet are falling into this. It is simply lazy and lack of ownership.

    As for Mary Ashanti she has run her race if the N.A.A.C.P. wants one ounce of credibility in this county they need a new leader period.

  4. You are pandering to a non-issue of Black racialism. Where is the racist encryption?

  5. This 'black on black' goes back to the very reason they're in the new world. Their brothers rounded 'em up and sold them to slavers. It's just here now, too, in a differing set of circumstances.

  6. So what you sayin 9:58 is...because I live in SECTION 8 ...I am a slave to the government with foods stamps, EBT cards?

  7. No. People live in section 8 for a number of reasons. Some may be legitimate reaaons. Others simply bc their lazy.theyd rather take the hard earned money from men and women that work hard every day for their families bc they don't know any better.thats all they saw their parents and their parents parents doing. Making a bunch of babies you can't take care of.much less know who the father is. So no that does not make you a slave.it makes you an economical pain in societies ass.


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