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Thursday, March 03, 2016

School Forces ‘Gender Identity’ on 5-Year-Olds

The Daily Signal has done extensive reporting on an ongoing train-wreck in a public elementary school in Minnesota over the imposition of the transgender ideology on kindergarteners.

The debate pits parents of kids just out of diapers against school administrators in league with transsexual activists and at least one professional guild of psychologists.

As Kelsey Harkness reports, “It all started with a book: My Princess Boy.”



  1. Sickest of sick.. These teachers should all be fired. This whole transgender thing is the sexualization of children. This is what the lgbt community is promoting......starting them young.

  2. Incredible. Weren't we told for several decades that gender stereotypes like liking pink and dolls were social constructs. That women could use power tools and still be women. That REAL men changed diapers and made dinner.
    Now we are supposed to believe this nonsense!
    If you change your own oil, you need to take steroids.
    If you sew or cook, you need to be castrated.

  3. It's not even an education any more --- its total indoctrination.
    Communists have openly said (for DECADES) that if you want to change the political landscape and mold a nation, get to the children.
    What dumb ass thinks KINDERGARTENERS need to be taught that LBGT crap? THAT is the best reading material they could come up with??
    I say they need some rope, too. Or whatever it takes or is available at the time.
    This isn't even a "slippery slope". Its a full blown free-fall into a vat of stupidity.
    Keep cheering.


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