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Monday, March 28, 2016

Sauerbrey Worried About Future Of Republican Party

She has lived and breathed Republican politics for much of her life.

Ellen Sauerbrey admits she is worried about the future of her party, because of this year's presidential race.

"I wouldn't be telling you the truth if I didn't say I'm worried, because what really concerns me is the number of people in high positions who say they cannot support the (presidential) nominee. If that happens, I don;t know what the party is going to look like," Sauerbrey told Maryland's News This Week.



  1. While it saddens me that the Republican Party is in the act of "eating their own" by first putting Trump on the ticket, then working to abandon him when it's become abundantly clear that he is the peoples' choice, I am more saddened at what the result of this discourse will do towards the ultimate destruction of what little of this Constitutional Republic is left.

    May God help us all.

  2. 6:42 please note this
    Most conservatives are worried about the same issues , my worry is civil war within the states . It will happen if Hillary wins . The True American people are fed up and tired of the BS democrats.
    Let this soak in , , An uprising of great numbers is on the way if we have another democrat president.
    We are now nothing more than a 3rd world country because of the Obama administration. We can not tolerate another 4 years of socialism and government control. The only way out if democrats win is war.

  3. The Republican establishment hasn't been a Republican party for 30 years. They are no different than the establishment Democrat party. They entire Lott have been in way too long. They are corrupt to the core. If you like Trump or not you can't come out and say you won't back him. Or attempt to stop him or anyone from the voters choice. BLOW IT UP!! BRING BACK THE WHIG PARTY!!!

  4. More voters want Trump than any other Republican candidate. Jeb Bush or another chosen one did not win the popular vote. Advice to the Republican so called leaders...accept the fact we want Trump.

  5. Both my wife and I plan to change out affiliation to Independent after this whole mess is over.I simply won't every support a Party endorsed candidate again. McCain and Romney were disasters. After watching the DNC circus try to go thru the motions of nominating a candidate (c'mon, O'Malley?) I've concluded that they are playing voters as stupid morons as they go through process of ensuring that a soon to be felon gets the nod.

  6. 7:28. I'm really curious. Who do you define as "the true American people"?

  7. 7:28
    The civil war is by design.
    Yes, Hillary will be POTUS.
    Yes, there will be violence.
    Yes, the government is more than ready to kill Americans.

    PS. Your neighbor (Police) will do all of the killing when told to do so. They can't wait to fire their weapons on Americans.


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