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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Saudi Judiciary Demands Capital Punishment to Curb Homosexuality

JAFFA, Israel – The Saudi judiciary has demanded stricter punishments, including death sentences, against homosexuals who display their sexuality in public and on social media, Okaz newspaper reported.

According to the paper, over the last six months the Saudi judiciary reviewed 35 cases of homosexuality and what it calls sexual perversion as well as 50 cases of cross-dressers.

The judiciary said that social media has ushered in a sharp rise in “perverts” displaying their “sins and obscenities,” which pose a danger to the country’s social fabric.

Saudi authorities have stepped up enforcement against homosexuality and “men’s attempts to look like women.”



  1. Well, shoot, why not? People don't rally as a general public, go this way.

  2. Jim Ireton time for a visit to Saudi? .)

  3. They can defect to the US request LGBT political asylum, get it granted, get the givernement to pay for their sex change and then be awarded the women of the year.

  4. One of the few countries to get this one correct!

    1. You believe homosexuals should get the death penalty? How about you cast the first stone?

  5. 7:42 Then you should be happy living under shria law there.

  6. With this level of hatred, the United States can not last much longer.

  7. Population control: Government allowing two men/women to get married making them think they have won something but in reality the government is slowly curbing population growth.

    1. So true! The Chemtrails make people gay too! It's all a part of The Plan

  8. The article is not about "gay".

    It is about male homosexuality, or sodomy.


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