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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Report: 21 dead after police encounters in Maryland in 2015

BALTIMORE (AP) — The American Civil Liberties Union is reporting that 21 people have died after encounters with police officers in Maryland in 2015.

The briefing paper, released Tuesday by the organization’s Maryland office, is an update to data published last year reporting that 109 people died after encounters with law enforcement officers in the state between 2010-2014.



  1. Perhaps they were committing crimes and were non law abiding citizens, and most likely got what was coming to them.

  2. and all 100% justified.

  3. How many are dead after encounters with other blacks with guns?

  4. But how many police officers gave their lives this year defending the citizens?

    1. Hardly any compared to what the total would possibly be if cops did their jobs properly. Proactive and not reactive. Then again they know the dangers of being real cops and I'm guessing less and less as numbers steadily prove to decline while they respond and take reports now.


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