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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Rep. Adam Kinzinger: Moderate Muslims Key to Stopping Terrorism in US

Rep. Adam Kinzinger said Thursday that moderate Muslims are critical to fighting the spread of terrorism in the United States and around the world.

"We have to understand that moderate Muslims are our best allies in this fight," the Illinois Republican told Wolf Blitzer on CNN. "They're the ones that have the ability to notice if somebody at a mosque, for instance, is acting out of place or if somebody that lives next to them in the neighborhood maybe has some weird materials coming in and out of the house.

"This is a time we need to be opening dialogue with the moderate Muslims in order to get the intelligence you need, because you can't do it all from satellites and from looking at encrypted things," he said.



  1. A moderate muslim ? Get real , this is the biggest joke of the century , there aren't any "moderate muslims" .

  2. This guy is another Clueless establishment hack. For a man that's a VET he sure loves the DC cool aid. Like the rest he always knows who to blame but never gives a solution. Coming from a VET just isn't normal.

  3. Adam dear, where are the moderate muslims? I guarantee you can't find them...remember they all lie.

  4. As Marco Polo wisely stated nearly a thousand years ago,"a moderate muslim is the one holding the feet of the victim that is being beheaded by the radical muslim".


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