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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Politico Asks: ‘What’s Wrong with Hillary?’

The establishment news organization Politico ran a frontpage article Monday headlined “What’s Wrong With Hillary?”

The hand-wringing article underscores the reality that Democrats are worried about their frontrunner, amid dropping voter turnout in the Democratic primaries, an FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email use, and the continuing threat of socialist challenger Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Jeff Greenfield writes:

But there are other factors that make Hillary Clinton look more vulnerable than venerable, and that should give her party cause to pause. Consider the much-chewed-over finding that nearly six in 10 Americans do not consider Clinton honest and trustworthy. In last Wednesday’s debate, panelist Karen Tumulty cut through Clinton’s first explanation — it’s all that right-wing Fox News noise — to note that these doubts were held by the broader public, and by many in her own party…

A look at Clinton’s political career provides a tougher explanation. Those younger voters who doubt her trustworthiness likely have no memory, or even casual acquaintance with, a 25-year history that includes cattle-futures trading, law firm billing records, muddled sniper fire recollections and the countless other charges of widely varying credibility aimed at her. They may even have suspended judgment about whether her e-mail use was a matter of bad judgment or worse.

But when you look at the positions she has taken on some of the most significant public policy questions of her time, you cannot escape noticing one key pattern: She has always embraced the politically popular stand — indeed, she has gone out of her way to reinforce that stand — and she has shifted her ground in a way that perfectly correlates with the shifts in public opinion.

Greenfield is right to have doubts.



  1. If her head cracked, you would be able to see the horns sticking out of her forehead.

  2. 5:41 She is already on crack.

  3. I want to see her get the same kind of crack in the head that JFK got in Dallas.

  4. Old windbag running out of gas.

  5. What's wrong wit Hillary? The list will take a couple hours to go through, if you don't take time to explain each one.

    With explanations, reserve yourself a couple of days or more...

  6. 7:46 you and about 10 million others!


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