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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Paula Jones – Truth About Bill’s Women Would ‘Destroy’ Hillary’s Political Career

The “truth” about Bill Clinton’s affairs and alleged affairs would “destroy” Hillary Clinton’s political career, declares Paula Jones, the former Arkansas state employee who sued President Clinton for sexual harassment.

Jones made the statements in an interview with Breitbart senior investigative reporter and Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein. The interview aired on Tuesday exclusively on Breitbart News Daily, the radio program hosted by Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon.

Klein asked Jones whether she believes female voters should be concerned about the allegations that Hillary was complicit in covering up her husband’s ill treatment of women, including Jones herself.

Jones responded, addressing female voters:



  1. I doubt that. It's only the dregs of society who are voting for Clinton anyway. Nasty gross degenerates like that could care less about what he's done or what she too has done. Look at Little Jimmy Ireton. He's probably a Clinton supporter and look how nasty he is. A drunk doing the dirty deed on the beach like some teen ager and running from the cops. Using the ladies restroom in front of ladies waiting. He's as gross and vulgar and low class as they come and is typical of a clinton supporter.

  2. Let's hear it!

    We want her career destroyed!

    Yes that is a mean statement - but she's a really baaad person (waste of oxygen)!

  3. 11:33 right on! Hell, it is not only the dregs of society will still vote. I am really having to consider friendships and even stability of my own family members who will vote for this idiot no matter what.


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