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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Obama Says Climate Change Is a 'Major' Problem, But ISIS 'Not an Existential Threat'

(CNSNews.com) - "Groups like ISIL can't destroy us, they can't defeat us," President Obama told reporters in Argentina on Wednesday. "They're not an existential threat to us," he said.

A few sentences later, he described climate change as a "major" problem.

On a day when morgues and hospitals in Brussels were still trying to identify the dead and the grievously injured, Americans among them, Obama described the terrorists as "vicious killers and murderers who have perverted one of the world's great religions, and their primary power, in addition to killing lives, is to strike fear in our societies, to disrupt our societies."



  1. There no threat, they told him that over dinner last week.

  2. What a clueless, brainless, incompetent twat.

  3. when Obama is gone ... ISIS will leave too... it's his creation to hide the fact Exxon and BP have been pumping Iraqi oil since 2009 .. research the Christian Science Monitor's article from that time that outlines the real conflict between the oil companies and Kurds that claim the reserves as their own... Trump is correct in saying NATO is their military... not ours


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