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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Obama DENIED! Queen Refuses To Meet President Obama On His Upcoming Trip To London

Good for the Queen! She’s got a set far bigger than Obama’s. She is refusing to return to London to meet with Obama when he trundles over there next month. And she is warning him not to address Britain’s impending Brexit from the EU. Exactly right. Obama is going over there to meddle in Britain’s business and call for them to stay in the EU. It’s none of his business frankly and it is self-serving. Instead, Obama will have to go to her… he’ll travel the 22 mile journey from London to Windsor Castle in his armored seven-ton limo, accompanied by his massive security team. Full details of his security operation are top secret but there could be dozens of secret service cars, police and emergency medical vehicles, making the trip on the M4. When he gets to the castle he will have a private lunch with the Queen. And he better keep mum on the EU… the Queen doesn’t suffer American Marxists well.



  1. Why anyone would want to meet her is beyond me. The UK and Canada are a joke for recognizing that entire family.

    1. Did you read the Article? Fool she isn't meeting him.

  2. Good for her, she has finally started to wake up in her old age.

  3. she probably reminds him of his white Grandmother

  4. I Respect that she stands her ground, this is exactly the response Trump will get from her, other countries will not accept his arrogance and bully ways. Wake up America we will not gain respect but the opposite to the world.

    1. Go back in Ur Obama liberal hole America has had enough of you welfare idiots.

  5. BWACK Lives No MatterMarch 19, 2016 at 11:32 AM

    Cause he is Black .

  6. "Anonymous said...

    I Respect that she stands her ground, this is exactly the response Trump will get from her, other countries will not accept his arrogance and bully ways. Wake up America we will not gain respect but the opposite to the world.

    March 19, 2016 at 10:37 AM"

    Wrong! The Queen, the Royal Family and the Trumps are already good friends and meet often. Trump has 2 resorts in her beloved Scotland.

  7. Smart lady, she don't want to waste her time seeing the Muslim imposter King.

  8. 10:37 Why should we care if we are "respected?" This idiotic notion that we should care whether or not we are "respected" is one of the main reason the US has gone to hell. Oh don't upset the Chinese or the Japanese or anyone else and demand free trade because they won't "respect" us anymore. Get with it 10:37 we haven't been "respected" for many many many decades and if you think we have you are sadly mistaken. What this country needs is leadership and the only person in the running who is a leader is Donald Trump. You people who run around worrying about what others think of us and yourself in general need to get some backbone about you!


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