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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

New Poll: Gov. Hogan’s Highest Approval Rating Comes From Democrats Under 35

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) – Maryland Governor Larry Hogan is getting support from some unexpected places.

The new Baltimore Sun-University of Baltimore poll finds that his highest approval among democrats comes from young people and African Americans.

Political reporter Pat Warren has reaction from the governor.

At a non-partisan Maryland pro-business group luncheon Governor Hogan greets folks who would seem likely to support him, democrats as well as republicans.

Surprise, young people and African American democrats do too.

“Well it’s really exciting that we’re reaching out to various constituencies that people wouldn’t expect to be supportive,” said Hogan.


1 comment:

  1. I am a registered Democrat and I thing Gov. Hogan is the best governor that has been elected in Maryland in a long---- time. I voted for him because party does not matter to me. He has earned over and over my vote already.


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