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Friday, March 11, 2016

Meghan McCain Shocks With Sudden Endorsement

Former Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina's endorsement of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz Wednesday prompted another unexpected Cruz ally to come out of the woodwork.

Meghan McCain, the daughter of former GOP nominee and Arizona Sen. John McCain, told Fox News hours after Fiorina showed up at a Cruz campaign rally in Miami that she, too, has chosen to support the Texas senator.

"I was a huge, huge Carly Fiorina fan and supporter," McCain told Fox News' Neil Cavuto. "And I think she has the capacity to get a lot of young, conservative women taking a second look at Ted Cruz.

She then added, "For me, honestly, I've been hesitant about Ted Cruz and the Carly Fiorina endorsement has swayed my personal opinion."



  1. She's obviously brain dead like her father is.

  2. Shame she has to have someone else make up her mind for her.

  3. Cruz has my vote too.

  4. Cruz puts the Bible above the Constitution. Regardless of your religious views, that's not how this country works.

  5. Straight up vengeance.

  6. Cruz is pandering. He puts the dollar ahead of the bible and the constitution

  7. I remember when she first made her debut on FOX she said she was a left wing Progressive now she's trying to re-brand for a pay check.


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