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Wednesday, March 09, 2016

McDonald's Under Fire For Depicting Gay Man's Coming Out In New Ad



  1. AWE Thank you McDonald's. Let people be who they are.

  2. Enough already. So sick of this. No it's not ok.

  3. I'm just tired of this being in your face all the time. I couldn't care less... Live your life the way you want.
    Just for the sake of argument, turn this ad around and have the son say "Dad, I REALLY like having sex with girls.", and see the Libs come out of the woodwork.

  4. Got jump of a bridge 12:14

  5. I'm with 12:14, what you do in your bedroom is your business, but keep it out of my face and space!

  6. Anonymous said...
    Got jump of a bridge 12:14

    March 9, 2016 at 12:54 PM

    What did this moron try to say?

  7. It is not about doing what is right, it is about doing what is wrong and this is wrong so we have to do what is right and put a stop to this crap. Stop supporting MacDonalds and write to them to tell them exactly why you do. This way of life is SICK!!


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