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Monday, March 07, 2016

Marco Rubio: Poor Little Rich Boy Runs Into Real Estate Trouble

The Senator's three houses, various lady friends, assorted con artist pals and piles of unexplained income

When it comes to sheer brazen corruption, chicanery and dishonesty there is one candidate who stands head and shoulders above everyone else and that is the right-wing Cuban-American and Tea Party darling Senator Marco Rubio of—naturally—the great State of Florida.

Mr. Rubio’s entire public image—the child of poor Cuban immigrants fleeing the repression of Castro’s Cuba who pulled himself up by his bootstraps and even now is a simple José Sixpack and family man—is less tethered to reality than The Wizard of Oz. For example, in his autobiography, An American Son: A Memoir, Mr. Rubio describes how he allegedly grew up poor and mowed the grass and walked dogs to make a bit of spare change. Technically this may be correct, but most poor kids don’t get paid by relatives heavily involved in narcotics trafficking and whose pets double as guard dogs for a drug cartel, as was the case with young Marco, a federal indictment shows. (See these articles for more on young Marco’s upbringing.)



  1. Marco Rubio is know as Foam Boy in the gay circles because he is known to frequent gay bars. Don't believe me just google Marco Rubio with the words gay, foam, porn and you will see a lot of information pop up. He frequented hotels in Florida that were rented out for this gay foam party. He also had a roommate that was gay and starred in gay porn films. It is out there, he is as queer as a $3 bill. He is a fraud because he married a woman that was a Miami Dolphins cheerleader and had children with her just so he can hide the fact that he is gay. He used her as a front.

    1. Yep I want to know why trump won't bring it up.

  2. Rubio is the product of the Miami Vice era when most of the Cubans came to America as boat people. When they got here they got involved in smuggling drugs big time and it is still going on. That is why he and his family members were arrested by federal agents.

  3. Maybe he should run for Mayor of Salisbury.

  4. Marco will come out of the closet, after he is elected.


  5. Because Trump has class. Rubio will self destruct on his own.


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