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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Kasich Vows to Take Fight to Convention After Winning Ohio

Standing in a high school gymnasium in his suburban Columbus hometown hours before the polls opened on Monday, Governor John Kasich asked his fellow Ohioans to vote for him “so I can continue to run for president of the United States.” They did.

Kasich defeated Republican front-runner Donald Trump in Ohio on Tuesday, hurting the billionaire’s ability to win enough delegates for the party’s nomination and allowing the governor to stay in a race that he now thinks will be reset in his favor.

“We are going go all the way to Cleveland and secure the Republican nomination,” Kasich said during a victory event on Tuesday night in Berea in suburban Cleveland, where the Republican Party will meet in about four months to select its nominee.



  1. He is a real dirt bag! I used to like him. Fool me once and you never get a second chance.

  2. He's neglecting the louder voice of the majority of the people!

    If the Repugnicrat establishment ignores the people and puts someone else in via a brokered convention, Donald Trump has the right to run independently. If enough of his original followers stay with him, either Trump or the dumbocrats WILL win!

    Who would you rather have in the West Wing?!

  3. He is the best hope that we have

  4. One of the few candidates this year who actually tries to use facts to construct a platform.

  5. He should lay down....WE do not need another Democrat for 8 years if he runs against Hillary!

  6. I agree with 1:22 he is the best candidate because he has the most experience with how things will actually work, his record is the best for trouble solving and the coolest with opposing countries and getting to solutions and more diplomacy than anyone else.


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