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Friday, March 18, 2016

Justice Department Advises Against Throwing Poor People In Jail For Not Paying Fines

While debtor prisons have long been outlawed, failure to pay a court-ordered fine or fee can get you locked up. But in a letter sent yesterday to state court administrators, the Department of Justice advises against using the penal system as a way to collect debts.

In the letter [PDF], the DOJ provides guidance intended to address “some of the most common practices that run afoul of the United States Constitution and/or other federal laws” and suggests “alternative practices that can address legitimate public safety needs while also protecting the rights of participants in the justice system.”

The DOJ has previously criticized some municipalities for using their court systems to generate revenue rather than mete out justice properly.



  1. hey I have a better idea, just get rid of some of the fines then everybody would be happy

  2. But if a middle class law abiding citizen is late on a fine or taxes they'll put a lien on your home, garnish your wages, levy you bank accounts, repossess your car and send you straight to the slammer. Seems fair...

  3. Put them out on a highway picking up trash. Lazy people with no accountability.

  4. OK if you are poor. You do not have to be penalized for breaking the law or court imposed penalties. What is the income limit for being poor? Drug dealers are poor because they have no documented work history and live of the Government.


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