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Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Judiciary Chairman Demands Immigration History of Ohio Machete Attacker

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) wants the immigration history of Mohamed Barry, the Guinea national who attacked diners at an Ohio restaurant with a machete earlier this month.

Barry was shot and killed by police shortly thereafter.

“Media reports indicate that Barry entered the restaurant looking for the owner, an Israeli immigrant, who was not present,” Goodlatte wrote in a letter to Department of Homeland Security Sec. Jeh Johnson Monday. “Barry returned later in the evening wielding a machete and yelled, ‘Allahu Akbar!’ before beginning his rampage, hacking and slashing people as they ate in the restaurant.”

The FBI is investigating the attack as possible terrorism.

Barry is dead. However, according to Goodlatte, how he was granted access to the U.S. and remained here in spite of an FBI investigation of him four years ago over his radical Islamic views — is pertinent.

“Based on the available evidence, Barry’s savagery bears the hallmarks of a terrorist attack,” he wrote in his letter. “Terrorism and the threat of terrorist violence remain very real concerns to Americans. In light of the fact that Barry was a resident alien, who was known to federal law enforcement as a result of his radical Islamic views, it is unclear whether the Department of Homeland Security took all appropriate actions to ensure the safety and security of the American public.”


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