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Friday, March 25, 2016

Japan confirms whales killed during 'scientific' expedition to Antarctica

Four ships in the region also capture 333 minke whales, including pregnant females

Japan has confirmed whales were killed on its most recent “scientific” expedition in the Antarctic region.

Four survey ships from Japan’s Institute of Cetacean Research were in the Antarctic region over a period of 115 days from 1 December last year.

The institute’s report said 333 minke whales were captured, including pregnant females.

Japan’s actions are in defiance of international criticism and despite a 2014 UN legal decision that ruled so-called scientific whaling activity in the Southern Ocean was a front for commercial hunts.



  1. All countries should invoke economic sanctions against Japan. Law breakers need to be held accountable.

  2. Japan has done nothing but skirt and blatantly violate international whaling laws since those laws were created.

  3. Call the Shepard in !!!! Let's ram the boats and use our water cannons

  4. There is no reason in the world to kill a whale or any of its relatives.


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