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Sunday, March 27, 2016

It's Getting Deep Now


  1. I heard about Katrina Pierson months ago.

  2. HaHaHa... What have all you Cruzbots got to say about this?

  3. They must have been desperate.

  4. Now all the Dems will vote for him, because he is just like their hero, Bill.

  5. Everybody has skeletons so when you throw stones or have others to do your dirty work then skeletons appear. Nobody is the "Saint" Cruz and Kasich profess to be. So you get what you sow.

  6. This explains why Cruz.wife was pick up by police with her head in her hands on the side of a highway?

  7. lmao to damn funny, the anointed one aint so holy!

  8. Didn't stop Bill Clinton. Won't stop Ted.

  9. Isn't that trumps spokeswoman? ??

  10. Trump ain't a politician but he sure knows how to play the game.

  11. Yep 5:38. She was hired by the Trump campaign earlier this year after working for the Cruz campaign for a few years. Before that she was a Tea Party spokeswoman. The rumors about she and Ted have been circulating for a few years now.

  12. Well, then she would know it's true!

  13. most politicians are basically insecure people most could not make it in the real world so,they bs their way into office and feed off of the gullibility of the american people they have all the time in the world to fulfill their fantasies,whether it be infidelity,gambling or just wasting their undivided attention to screw over the american people you need to clean out your closet first i haven't seen any angels flying around latele


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