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Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Is the New York Times Trying to Sabotage Trump?

Is the liberal media trying to sabotage Trump? Follow us for a second on this one....

Buzzfeed's Ben Smith noted in his column today that Trump did a sitdown with the Times, presumably to pitch the paper for an endorsement. These meetings are both on and off the record. As Smith notes:

The New York Times is sitting on an audio recording that some of its staff believes could deal a serious blow to Donald Trump who, in an off-the-record meeting with the newspaper, called into question whether he would stand by his own immigration views.

Trump visited the paper’s Manhattan headquarters on Tuesday, Jan. 5, part of a round of editorial board meetings that — as is traditional — the Democratic candidates for president and some of the Republicans attended. The meetings, conducted partly on the record and partly off the record in a 13th floor conference room, give candidates a chance to make their pitch for the paper’s endorsement.



  1. Now Fox news o Riley has Ted Coppell on how to blast trump.


  2. Is the Pope Catholic?

    Does a wild bear take a roll of TP into the woods?

    NY Times is just a thicker version of its 'bury thought cousin. Caged birds, and puppies in training avoid them both.

  3. 13th floor? Isn't that like saying, "no such thing"?


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