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Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Is Marco Rubio the Great GOP Hope, or Dope?

The Florida senator would be a great general election candidate and president. Or would he, since he’s such a bad primary candidate?

If the recent “Super Saturday” elections are a sign, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is in deep trouble.

To be sure, a victory in Florida on March 15 would give him momentum, but the Catch-22 is that it’s hard to win Florida without momentum (his Sunday win in Puerto Rico was fine but isn’t exactly a big mo-shifter). And if Rubio loses his home state, which is entirely possible, not only would it spell doom for his presidential chances, it would also serve as a major embarrassment.

Rubio’s chances seem increasingly slim. At best, a Rubio victory in Florida would prevent Donald Trump from garnering the 1,237 delegates needed to become the nominee. This might put Rubio in a position to be a player in a contested convention fight.



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